XRTK / com.xrtk.oculus

The Oculus platform components for the XRTK

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NRE on Oculus Package Assets import complete

FejZa opened this issue · comments

XRTK - Mixed Reality Toolkit Bug Report

Describe the bug

When importing Oculus Package assets a NRE is thrown once the import has finished.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
XRTK.Editor.PackageInstaller.AddConfigurations (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] profiles) (at Library/PackageCache/com.xrtk.core@0.2.0-preview.127/Editor/PackageInstaller.cs:146)
XRTK.Editor.PackageInstaller+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<TryInstallAssets>b__0 () (at Library/PackageCache/com.xrtk.core@0.2.0-preview.127/Editor/PackageInstaller.cs:125)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallDelayFunctions () (at <a8e33794c0064f2aa201ade069162226>:0)

To Reproduce

  1. Install XRTK-Core via UPM
  2. Install XRTK-SDK via UPM
  3. Install XRTK-Oculus via UPM
  4. Import SDK Package assets via Mixed Reality Toolkit -> Packages -> Install XRTK.SDK Package Assets
  5. Confiture the scene via Mixed Reality Toolkit -> Configure...
  6. Import Oculus Package assets via MixedRealityToolkit -> Packages -> Install Oculus Package Assets

NRE is thrown and logged once step 6 has completed.

Expected behavior

No NRE thrown.

Actual behavior

NRE thrown.

Your Setup

  • Windows 10
  • Unity 2019.4.15f1
  • XRTK 0.2 preview

The exception seems to happen at

if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("We found a new Platform Configuration",
                    $"We found the {platformConfigurationProfile.name.ToProperCase()}. Would you like to add this platform configuration to your {rootProfile.name}?",
                    "Yes, Absolutely!",

Most likely the platformConfigurationProfile reference is null. Or the rootProfile reference.

I'll look into this

Odd, as I bring up that dialog all the time and don't get the issue. But if you can replicate it, great and we can nail it down

@FejZa is this fixed now?

Yes this is fixed