XPBytes / administrate-serialized_fields

:ab: Automatically deserialize administrate fields on form submit.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not work with nested fields

sedubois opened this issue · comments

This gem looks helpful to solve the issue described in codica2/administrate-field-jsonb#1, thanks!

However it does not seem to support nested fields. I have a Post dashboard configured as follows (schema was configured by globalize):

# app/dashboards/post_dashboard.rb
class PostDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
    translations: NestedHasMany.with_options(class_name: "Post::Translation"),

# app/dashboards/post/translation_dashboard.rb
class Post::TranslationDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
    tags: Field::JSONB,

The aim is to apply deserialize_json_fields to the tags field of the post translation.

NB: NestedHasMany is a modification of Field::NestedHasMany to support namespaced models, as shown here.

There are two problems:

  • the README instructs to define deserialize_json_fields on the controller, but both Admin::Post::TranslationsController and Admin::PostsController will potentially need to handle the submission of tags (respectively either being a direct property of the resource associated to the controller, or as a property of the nested sub-resource through the has-many relation)
  • there is no way with the current syntax to instruct to deserialize the field in the nested resource (which is the scenario I need the most). The transformation should actually be applied not on tags, but on the form's translations_attributes value which looks like this:
  "0"=>{"id"=>"19", "_destroy"=>"false", "locale"=>"en", "tags"=>"[\"in english\"]", ...},
  "1"=>{"id"=>"20", "_destroy"=>"false", "locale"=>"fr", "tags"=>"[\"en français\"]", ...}

I think I understand the issue. Basically I don't interpret the nested fields correctly (because it uses field_attributes instead of field)?

there is no way with the current syntax to instruct to deserialize the field in the nested resource (which is the scenario I need the most). The transformation should actually be applied not on tags, but on the form's translations_attributes value which looks like this:

So this is what you really need right?

I'll see what I can do. It might be a while, but I don't mind you nagging me if I seem to have forgotten about it.

Basically I don't interpret the nested fields correctly (because it uses field_attributes instead of field)?


So this is what you really need right?

Yes that's the blocking point; and also there should also be a way to configure this deserialization behaviour in a single place instead of in two different controllers (Admin::PostsController and Admin::Post::TranslationsController).