XENON1T / pax

The XENON1T raw data processor [deprecated]

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Latest numpy required (really?) but not yet available from conda

JelleAalbers opened this issue · comments

In #673 we started using a numpy >= 1.12 feature, but numpy 1.11 is the latest available version with python 3.4 through the regular conda channels. I see you solved this by adding 'pip install numpy' to the travis guidelines. However, this doesn't do the detailed dependency checks that conda does (for example, numba relies on numpy and might now break something else in pax).

Hopefully anaconda's numpy will update soon. In the meantime, could #673 be implemented without using the signature argument? I'd rather not replace conda numpy with pip numpy on the eventbuilder, so I can't use the latest pax at the moment.

Thanks for the report, can @zhut19 help to fix it?

Thanks @JelleAalbers, I can remove the signature kwarg by commenting out the np vectorize section of the pull request, but I wasn't able to find a way using np vectorization here without this kwarg.

And this pull request would still decrease the interpolation time without this np vectorization. So do @JelleAalbers @feigaodm we agree on go back a step for now?

@zhut19 Can you keep the cKDTree in the code so we still expect some speed improvement?

Yes, the cKDTree can still be in there.

ok, then I agree, please make a PR for it.

fixed by #676