XENON1T / pax

The XENON1T raw data processor [deprecated]

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S1 patterns binning issue

l-althueser opened this issue · comments

I found that the S1 per-PMT map has a binning issue around z=0. The current map is generated with only 10 bins in z which causes the AFT map to have a continuous LXe/GXe transition instead of having a hard cut at the gate. Therefore I improved the binning of the map (increased the number of bins to 60) before interpolating and extrapolating.

I tried to test this new map with the following command and the montecarlo scripts (which seems to not be successful):

# fax+pax run-dependent configuration
FAX_PAX_CONFIG="[WaveformSimulator]drift_field=82 * V / cm;truth_file_name=\"${FAX_FILENAME}\";diffusion_constant_liquid=${DIFFUSION_CONSTANT} * cm**2 / s;s1_patterns_file=\"${start_dir}/XENON1T_s1_xyz_patterns_Aug2017.json.gz\";s2_mean_area_fraction_top=0.6323;[DEFAULT]drift_velocity_liquid=${DRIFT_VELOCITY} * um / ns;electron_lifetime_liquid=${ELECTRON_LIFETIME} * us"

The S1 AFT still looks like on this wiki page. So I don't know if there is still an issue in FAX or if the new map wasn't loaded an thus the map look equal.

You can also see in the link how I generate the PAX map. I also miss an option in FAX which logs the used map or an indicator which tells me that a specific map was used ..

I will continue to try testing the map before making a PR.

can you try running locally or on Midway to confirm the map is getting loaded?

I found a way to load the map in the meantime. It is now in the dax catalogue and used by FAX/PAX. Have to wait for some jobs to finish until I can give an estimation if I solved this issue.

I have also added a drift field and S2 mean AFT value to the config string just to see what happens.

The jobs still have errors. At the moment because of the new map which has empty bins according to pax.

pax.exceptions.CoordinateOutOfRangeException: Expected light pattern at coordinates (34.13744812011719, 33.26744384765625, -41.67567749023438) consists of only zeros!

Don't know how this could happen.

Solved the map issues and the production is going well. Will be finished in some hours.