XCaminhante / windwm

Wind Window Manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Wind window manager

By Johan Veenhuizen



  Refer to the manual page for information on how to use Wind.


  Wind is free software distributed under the MIT license. The
file LICENSE contains the full terms and conditions. The license
text is also included in the manual page.


  Wind uses GNU Autotools for configuration and building. The
following commands will configure, build, and install the
program and documentation at the default locations.

  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ make install

  The configure script takes several options to customize
the installation. Type './configure --help' to list the
supported options.

Reporting bugs

  If you find a bug, please try to reproduce it while running
Wind with the -v option. This option will print the version
information, along with Xlib errors, to the standard error file
descriptor. This output might prove useful in understanding the
bug, so please include it in your report.

  Try to provide a detailed description of how to reproduce
the problem, and send your report to the Wind mailing list,
<windwm-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net>. You don't need to subscribe
to this list, but if you're interested in Wind news and development
you are very welcome to do so.

Building the git source

  The configure script and other files needed to build Wind are
not under version control, so if you cloned the git repository
you will need to generate them using the following command.

  $ autoreconf -i

  Note that you need to have GNU Autoconf and GNU Automake
installed on your system.


  Wind is implemented in C99, so it is okay to use most C99
features. Please make an honest attempt to follow the coding


Wind Window Manager



Language:C 62.3%Language:Shell 19.9%Language:Makefile 15.1%Language:Roff 2.4%Language:M4 0.3%