Wunkolo / UWPDumper

DLL and Injector for dumping UWP applications at run-time to bypass encrypted file system protection.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.23.12.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe taking forever on executable.

comradesean opened this issue · comments

I'm attempting to dump the latest version of MSFS2020 for my own archival purposes, but it appears to hang on the executable which is actually the only encrypted file in the folder. Is this process supposed to take this long or am I doing something wrong?

Also something to note is that It is also creating a tremendously large file in the DUMP folder.

This seems to happen to me too on Minecraft Dungeons. It eventually moves on, but the resulting file is just a little bit less than 510x the original file size!