WorldHealthOrganization / smart-anc

WHO Antenatal Care Guidelines IG

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Reportable Indicator

brynrhodes opened this issue · comments

Iron and folic acid (IFA) supplements for pregnant women (%)


COUNT the number of women who were prescribed iron and folic acid (IFA) tablets at each ANC contact they have had (so far): {ifa_anaemia} = "Done" OR {ifa_high_prev} = "Done" OR {ifa_low_prev} = "Done" OR {ifa_weekly} = "Done"


COUNT of all women whose records were closed (ANC Close form) in the last calendar month due to any of the below reasons. {anc_close_reason} = Live birth Stillbirth Miscarriage Abortion Woman died Lost to follow-up Moved away


Monthly. New indicator gets added on the 1st of every month (for the previous month).


{age} categories: 10-14 15-19 20-34 35-49 {educ_level} categories: None Don't know Primary Secondary Higher