WorldHealthOrganization / app

COVID-19 App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cases stats missing older data

brunobowden opened this issue · comments


The case states can be missing older data sometimes. This doesn't appear for most countries but on Sunday evening I saw it happen for the USA and Venezuela - showing ~70 days of data instead of showing ~300 days of data. The data looked ok, so that suggest an issue with the WHO App or server.

Reproduction Steps

  • Heisenbug with no clear reproduction steps. When it occurs it can be reproduced by switching countries. Switching country to something else and back again still reproduces the bug.

Expected Behavior

Showing data for ~300 days


  • Device: iPhone 11 Max Pro
  • App Version: v0.15.0


US FAILED: shows only ~70 days of data


US CORRECT: shows ~300 days of data


Venezuela FAILED: showing ~70 days of data



cc @Mohit020888 - let me know if you see anything like this

@theswerd - have a look to see if you notice any issues around this

It looks like the initial date is coded statically here

I'm not sure what the solution is, because I'm not sure we are not storing the date we want to start at in the client.

Deferring to future release

tested on Release Candidate Version 1.0.0-staging(281) , app is showing wrong stats for global cases.

@Mohit020888 - there are two bugs with Case Stats:

  • #1834 - missing older data (this bug)
  • #1692 - missing more recent data (your recent comment and not part of this bug)

Please move your comment to #1692 where it belongs. It's also helpful to now how stale the data is. Please note this when you move the comment:

  • Global deaths data is from Oct 20 / 21 according to COVID-19 Dashboard
  • Global cases is from Nov 7 / 8 according to dashboard

It is bizarre to me that the data can be stale in two different ways since they're from the same file. Maybe the dashboard data is updated after publishing.... i.e. deaths are more complete when reported but over time the cases will increase by a larger amount? Please mention this in your comment too.

Finally as screenshots screw up the layout in GitHub. If you're doing multiple screenshots, please embed them in a <details> section that hides their view. As a single screenshot, it's ok to just embed them.

<summary>US CORRECT: shows ~300 days of data</summary>


@brunobowden - okay I will move my comment to #1692 and will take care of the screenshot embedding going forward.