WorldFamousElectronics / PulseSensor_Amped_Processing_Visualizer

Processing code for pulse wave visualization

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

'import' does not name a type

Teeblackgold97 opened this issue · comments

There is an error in this line of code:
import processing.serial.*; // serial library lets us talk to Arduino

Also, when I open the sketchbook it straight prompted me to new Arduino IDE window not the visualizer window.

Can you give us more information to help troubleshoot?
What OS are you running? What version of Processing are you running?
Can you copy paste the error code that you're getting?

I was having the same "error" and trouble following instructions too. Probably because I'm also a new Arduino and IDE user too.
Console Error: exit status 1
'import' does not name a type


This project requires 2 programs Arduino IDE to load the 1st example sketch to the board and then use the Processing software to run the visualization sketch.
I'm using:
OS: Windows 10
Arduino 1.8.8
Processing: 3.4
( I didn't know I had to install a processing software called Processing. This explains copying the downloaded folder to the correct location in step 2 of the installation . (As a newbie I was placing the folder in the Arduino Sketch folder. : /

You can't run the Processing sketch in the Arduino IDE.
You have to use Processing (
First, program the Arduino with example sketch from the PulseSensor Playground library using the Arduino IDE
Then, run the Processing Visualizer from the Processing IDE.

I was notified that you commented on this issue with another error. From the looks of it, you did not have all of the code loaded into the Processing IDE. That's a common trap for young players ;)
The Processing code has multiple tabs that all need to be inside the sketch folder. Make sure that you have downloaded the entire repo and then you should be good to go.

I loaded the PulseSensorAmpd_Processing_Visualizer folder into this folder: C:\Users\STeniente.THM\Documents\Processing

What next??