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Is there a way to tune the MySQL config settings specifically for my server?

jazir555 opened this issue · comments

Is there a tool included in WordOPs to configure MySQL/NGINX to their optimal configuration based on benchmarks/a hardware resources scan(RAM, vCORES, etc)?

WordOps already set the optimal configuration based on the resources available on your server.
If you have upscaled your server, you just have to run wo stack upgrade --mysql to update MySQL configuration.

Hello, WordOps already set the optimal configuration based on the resources available on your server. If you have upscaled your server, you just have to run wo stack upgrade --mysql to update MySQL configuration.

Is that done through a package wordops installs and configures during installation?

Edit: Do I just run the command you have on the page?

bash <(wget -O - vtb.cx/nginx-ee || curl -sL vtb.cx/nginx-ee) --libressl

MySQL Tuning is done during MySQL stack install with WordOps :

with wo stack install or with wo stack install --mysql