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Now that NGINX 1.25 has been made stable, when will WordOPs upgrade to 1.25?

jazir555 opened this issue · comments

Nginx 1.25 has gone stable, will WordOPs stack be updated soon?

Nginx stable release are always even number. Nginx 1.26 is not available yet.
Or are your talking about https://freenginx.org/ ?

Nginx 1.26

I guess I misread their page and interpreted mainline as stable. 1.24 was released in October 2022, is it possible you could make a second branch with a separate wo command to update to 1.25? I really would like to use HTTP/3, I'm sure it would be a huge performance boost to my sites. I have no idea when 1.26 will release and I'd really like to start using the newer version now.

Hello @jazir555,
The next Nginx stable release should be available in the next few weeks. WordOps will support it as soon as it's available but I cannot confirm if HTTP/3 will be available yet. Because currently I'm building Nginx package with OpenSSL library, and it still not support QUIC and I'm not sure to be able to build Nginx with LibreSSL.


According to ChatGPT, building nginx with LibreSSL seems pretty straightforward with relatively few steps. Hope that helps.

yes, I'm also maintaining a script to compile the latest Nginx release with additional modules but I haven't had time to look into the HTTP/3 subject.


Gotcha. Well hopefully you can make the nginx http/3 module work, I hope it will bring a big improvement in performance.

@jazir555 HTTP/3 is now available with my script to compile Nginx : https://github.com/VirtuBox/nginx-ee/releases/tag/v3.8.0

Nginx stable release v1.26.0 is now available.
You just have to run bash <(wget -O - vtb.cx/nginx-ee || curl -sL vtb.cx/nginx-ee) --stable --libressl
But you will have to adjust your SSL conf according to nginx doc : https://nginx.org/en/docs/quic.html
I'm working on update Nginx package for WordOps so it should be available soon.

I'm working on update Nginx package for WordOps so it should be available soon.

Would this update also convert existing WordOps websites to QUIC as well, please?!

I'm working on update Nginx package for WordOps so it should be available soon.

Would this update also convert existing WordOps websites to QUIC as well, please?!

Yes, I'm working on it to convert existing site to HTTP/3 depending on the Nginx release installed on the server.

Yes, I'm working on it to convert existing site to HTTP/3 depending on the Nginx release installed on the server.


I successfully updated an installation with latest nginx-ee with http3 QUIC support.
I unsuccessfully updated the conf files to make http3 QUIC happen.

So I'm looking forward to this conversion support.


Will the update that auto-enables http/3 be coming soon?