WithSecureLabs / mongo-rs

A higher-level wrapper on top of the official bson & mongodb crates.

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GridFS support

slyons opened this issue · comments

Is there any chance that you'd be up for supporting GridFS at any time in the future?

Yep, the goal is to support all the features assuming it makes sense on this abstraction layer. I have never used GridFS properly though so it will require some digging. I'll see if I can carve out some time to have a play with this.

Hmm, looks like the officials have not implemented GridFS support yet https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-rust-driver and this is only a wrapper crate. No promises, but we might be able to bodge a solution on top working from their labs implementation long ago. (https://docs.rs/mongodb/0.2.9/mongodb/gridfs/index.html)