Willcox-Research-Group / rom-operator-inference-Python3

Operator Inference for data-driven, non-intrusive model reduction of dynamical systems.

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Custom ODE Solvers in predict()

shanemcq18 opened this issue · comments

Currently, opinf.models.ContinuousModel.predict() wraps scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(). It would be nice to be able to pass a custom time-stepper, probably as the method attribute. This is also important for certain types of models, like Hamiltonian systems, which require symplectic integrators.

  • Write an IntegratorTemplate somewhere (new opinf.integrate submodule?)
  • Update predict() so that method can be an integrator object.
  • Write a few common integrators as examples (forward/backward Euler, IMEX, etc.).

Need to think about how the integrator should interact with the list of operators or the model's rhs() method.