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Date cover upto only 2018-03-27

fsagir opened this issue · comments


I am running Stocker but the dates covered are only upto 2018-03-27 . Is there a fix possible for this ?

Looks like Quandl stopped loading data at this date. I'm looking at switching the Stocker class over to Tiingo. Might take me awhile but I'll post if I get it figured out soon.

I have integrated tiingo api to stocker class. you need to apply for your own api key. my repo is here

When I applied my own api key to stocker class. This is what I did:
quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = "https://api.tiingo.com/api/test?token=my_own_token_number"
It says it does not recognize my api key. Any idea why mine does not work?

I have integrated tiingo api to stocker class. you need to apply for your own api key. my repo is here

When I applied my own api key to stocker class. This is what I did:
quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = "https://api.tiingo.com/api/test?token=my_own_token_number"
It says it does not recognize my api key. Any idea why mine does not work?

I have integrated tiingo api to stocker class. you need to apply for your own api key. my repo is here

you are applying tiingo api key to quandl. You need to get corresponding key from the two websites.

Any updates on using tiingo rather than quandl?

Any updates on using tiingo rather than quandl?

checkout my forked repo here. implemented in stocker_add_tiingo branch

I am new to all of this but I was having the same problem with out of date information, tried to pull the stocker.py with tiingo information mentioned above and added my API key for tiingo on line 68. Do I also need to delete my quandl key from line 30 and change the import of quandl to tiingo on line 3?

I am new to all of this but I was having the same problem with out of date information, tried to pull the stocker.py with tiingo information mentioned above and added my API key for tiingo on line 68. Do I also need to delete my quandl key from line 30 and change the import of quandl to tiingo on line 3?

You need to add both quandl and tiingo key. This is because tiingo only give five years of data for free. We need quandl for earlier data.
Thus, you should not remove quandl import.
For my repo, you do not need import any tiingo library. The data fetching is purely based on requests library, which I already added.

That is how I had it set up but it was still only up to date through 2018-03-27. I will go back and double check everything. Thanks.