Wilfred / difftastic

a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩

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Feature Request: CSV diffing that ignores useless information

johnpyp opened this issue · comments

CSVs are notoriously inconsistent at giving you the same information. A few examples of things difftastic could help with that would be great:

  • Don't care about header ordering - various csv writers will take in objects that are unordered, and non-deterministically choose a random order
  • Ignore extraneous whitespace in places that it doesn't matter like extra newline (maybe some whitespace between fields that are quotes, I'm not sure)
  • Inconsistent quotes where unnecessary ("Asdf" and Asdf should be considered equal)

Thanks for the suggestion. I think this is out of scope for difftastic: CSV is a somewhat ambiguous format, and difftastic does things like treating comment and strings separately that don't make sense in CSV.