WildChlamydia / MiVOLO

MiVOLO age & gender transformer neural network

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Request for guidelines on training on multitask classification

gd1925 opened this issue · comments


I'm looking to train a custom dataset for multitask classification and I'm interested in trying to use the MiVOLO. Could you please provide some guidelines or advice on how to proceed with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Hello! Sorry for the delayed response, was on vacation.

You can definitely do it, and it's not very complicated. To achieve this, you'll need to integrate MiVOLO with the original timm train code (please note that we can't provide this specific code at the moment). The procedure is similar to working with regular models. However, in your case, there will be N outputs and N loss functions. You can combine them and experiment accordingly.