WhatsApp / StringPacks

Extracts localized strings from an Android app and stores it in a much more efficient format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

StringPackIds.java have nothing changed...

Lilyandlucy opened this issue · comments

When I run the script
python3 ./stringpacks/scripts/assemble_string_packs.py --config ./{path_to}/config.json
The log shows
Updated: ./app/src/main/java/com/mg/compress/StringPackIds.java INFO:root:Moving: ./app/src/main/res/values-zh/strings.xml INFO:root:To file: ./app/string-packs/strings/._app_src_main_res_/values-zh/strings.xml

And nothing happend except there is a comment added in the string.xml which is ""

Please help me~What's wrong with it?


Do you mind to share your content of values-zh/strings.xml with us so we can check whether it's because any special format in your xml?

@Ider I made a mistake in config.json...
I can't get the meaning of the params "packable_strings_directory"