WengerK / vscode-highlight-bad-chars

Extension to highlight bad characters such as No-break space ( ) and the Greek question mark (;) in your source files.

Home Page:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=wengerk.highlight-bad-chars#overview

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Publish extensions to open-vsx

orblazer opened this issue · comments

I'm a VS Codium user, a FLOSS version of VS Code, it's the same code but without the Microsoft's telemetry and branding.
I want to request if possible to add the Highlight Bad Chars extension on the open-vsx.org market to us doesn't need to works with the Microsoft marketplace as is unclear if it's legal to use it on VS Code forks, see here.

Additional info:

  • This is how to publish a new extension.