WenchaoD / FSCalendar

A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift

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calendar.currentPage returns wrong date after calendar.scope is toggled from .month to .week

antjnr opened this issue · comments

  • Integration method: SPM
  • Device modal and iOS version: tried various and issue is same on all
  • Xcode version: Version 12.5.1 (12E507)
  • FSCalendar version: FSCalenda 2.8.2
  • Does this happen in the demo project? Yes, verified using FSCalendarScopeExampleViewController by adding the following line of code print(dateFormatter.string(from: calendar.currentPage)) in the method toggleClicked

After the calendar is in week scope mode, swiping left or right 'resets' the incorrect calendar.currentPage value. But setting the scope back to month and then week, causes the bug to reappear.

Did you find the solution to this. I'm getting the same error.

It seems that setScope is not going to take effect immediately if the calendar is not currently visible.
In my situation, moving the scope updating logic from viewDidLoad & viewWillAppear to viewDidAppear fixed the problem.