WenchaoD / FSCalendar

A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift

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FSCalendar view is not showing anything

shujaaion opened this issue · comments

FSCalendar view is not showing anything, please check attached screenshot

  1. I have implemented it in separate Viewcontroller, It does not show anything. Delegate and data source are set, frames are also set, but implemented delegates does not get called, however if i implement this in separate empty project it works fine.
    Implemented all methods described in documentation
  2. cocoaPods integration
  3. iPhone 8 iOS14.4
  4. Xcode 12.4
  5. FSCalendar 2.8.2
  6. No


reloading FScalendarview fixed this issue

reloading FScalendarview fixed this issue

how to reload?