WebReflection / uhtml

A micro HTML/SVG render

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custom method

DominicVonk opened this issue · comments


Can you add the custom function like in lighterhtml?

This is my current implementation

import { custom } from "lighterhtml";

 * @param {any} Component 
export default function lighterhtml (Component) {
    const { svg, html, render } = custom({
        attribute (callback) {
            return (node, name, original) => {
                if (node instanceof Component && name !== "ref") {
                    return (value) => {
                        node._setProps({ [name]: value });
                if (node instanceof Component && name === "ref") {
                    return (value) => {
                        callback.apply(this, [node, name, original])(value);
                        node.__ref = true;
                        if (node != value.current) {
                if (node) {
                    return callback.apply(this, [node, name, original]);
                return () => { }
    return { svg, html, render };

beside suggesting to use callback.call(this, node, name, original) instead of callback.apply(this, [node, name, original]), to make GC life a tiny bit easier, the reason uhtml branched out lighterhtml is to provide the minimum amount of moving parts.

As both libraries basically work the same, and uhtml is just a subset of lighterhtml, why do you need to move from the more capable library to the less capable one? Once I implement this stuff the size will be nearly the same so I am not sure I am following your requirement here.

Thanks for clarification, but nope, this won't land in here as this project is minimalistic for a reason and uhtml-intents as well as the fact holes can be functions so you can implement your behavior as you like, but replicating the extra lighterhtml has that I don't want in here is likely never going to happen.