WebReflection / uhtml

A micro HTML/SVG render

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Recursive call inside `map` results in lost nodes.

50kudos opened this issue · comments

EDIT: This is a user-error and non-issue.

Array.isArray(a) ... no a.isArray ... a.isArray is not JavaScript, it doesn't exist, it's undefined, you never enter that if statement.

P.S. yes, uhtml works with everything highly dynamic, it's been in production for a while and DBMonster might give you a hint it has zero issues with nested values.

live demo 👋

I just woke up and immediately realized my mistake last night, about to come to close issue myself. But it's too late! It's like I was drunk last night, sorry about that! (you could remove this issue, it's a shame 🤒 )

Well, if it gives you any relief it took me way longer than expected to notice that myself ... no shame, all good, it happens 👋