Checkbox for 16:9 and 4:3?
Trifan opened this issue · comments
Instead of inputting the dimensions every time can there be an option for 16:9 and 4:3 seeing as they're the most common aspect ratio for videos?
You could still input it manually if you wished but it would be nice to have an option to make it automated.
For example if 16:9 is checked and you type in 1280 for width then 720 is automatically filled in for the height or vise versa.
This applies to any number you put in for the width or height.
That could be useful indeed. I'll put it on my todo list, I'll have to figure out a way to make it due nicely in the gui (a drop down list or something?)
Is this much easier than simply entering -1 in the other field? That keeps whatever the aspect ratio is, unless you wanted to stretch or squash a video?
It would be easier to default the other field to -1 if either of the fields are filled in, so "1280"x"" -> "1280:-1".
Eh sorry pure idiocy on my part. Didn't understand the text next to resolution the first time. It is indeed much easier to use -1.
I don't think having the option of 16:9 and 4:3 would add much unless anyone else can think of a reason to have them.
Rmmh's suggestion would be neat