WebMBro / WebMConverter

WebM for bakas.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Crash on closing progression window.

Zyndrome opened this issue · comments

Upon completing converting a video, and closing the conversion progress window by clicking Close, the program crashes with the following error:

Problemhändelsens namn: CLR20r3
Problemsignatur 01: webmconverter.exe
Problemsignatur 02:
Problemsignatur 03: 5340be6c
Problemsignatur 04: System.Windows.Forms
Problemsignatur 05: 4.0.30319.18047
Problemsignatur 06: 51553566
Problemsignatur 07: 0
Problemsignatur 08: ffffffff
Problemsignatur 09: System.StackOverflowException
OS-version: 6.1.7601.
Språkvariant-ID: 1053
Ytterligare information 1: 1d1e
Ytterligare information 2: 1d1e560e399aa556daa15499ba8e03c8
Ytterligare information 3: 1ff2
Ytterligare information 4: 1ff27ca4432d424a3cbd48c57cf0b6ef

Hmm, I've heard of other people getting this crash but it isn't crashing for me. I'll check it out.

Okay, check v1.0.1, tell me if it still crashes.

Yeah the crashing is now gone, for me at least.

Alright, I'll close this for now then.