WebAssembly / binaryen

Optimizer and compiler/toolchain library for WebAssembly

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Error: failed to run main module when executing WebAssembly module processed with `wasm-opt --remove-memory` in wasm runtime

Uh5GoKGJ9X opened this issue · comments

I attempted to process a file test.wasm using wasm-opt with --remove-memory option, which generated test.opt.wasm. When trying to execute it in the wasmtime runtime, I encountered the following error:

$ wasmtime ./test.wasm

$ wasm-opt ./test.wasm --remove-memory -o ./test.opt.wasm
$ wasmtime ./test.opt.wasm
Error: failed to run main module `./test.opt.wasm`
Caused by:
    0: failed to invoke command default
    1: error while executing at wasm backtrace:
           0: 0xb6 - <unknown>!<wasm function 7>
           1: 0xc3 - <unknown>!<wasm function 6>
           2: 0xcb - <unknown>!<wasm function 8>
    2: memory fault at wasm address 0xfffffffa in linear memory of size 0x80000
    3: wasm trap: out of bounds memory access

Environment Information:

wasm-opt version:

wasm-opt version 117 (version_117-31-g6e8fefe1e)

wasmtime version:

wasmtime-cli 18.0.3 (ff528a2ba 2024-03-12)

Operating System:

Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

That looks like the expected behavior. The wasm module is doing a store to address $2 = $0 - $1 = 0 - 6 = -6 which is a very large unsigned number, well beyond the Memory which is just 8 pages of 64K.

(--remove-memory does not affect this, as it only removes memory segments, and there are none)