Wayback-Tube / Wayback-Tube-Front

Wayback Tube is a self-hosted web service that can be used to archive videos from YouTube.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


boognish-rising opened this issue · comments

Hey! Love the concept as I really can't emphasize how often (and how annoying it is!) I find that videos that were part of a playlist or some other entry in my library or history suddenly is unavailable because it was removed (or the user no longer exists, either bc of a decision made by YouTube's overzealous automatic content delisting/removal and user banning bot or simply at the discretion of the user themselves), made private, geo-blocked or otherwise simply is no longer able to be viewed on the YouTube platform. We're not necessarily talking about offensive, potentially sensitive, 18+ material here but often times completely innocuous videos that any rational person would have a very hard time figuring out how and why they were delisted or otherwise made unavailable. So kudos on the great idea for a project.

I haven't yet deployed it because I literally just stumbled upon it 5 minutes ago but a question that arose almost immediately that I understand is probably one more suited to be asked of youtube-dl devs but that project is completely overrun so I figured I would pose it here to see if you might be able to provide some insight.

My question is one of entire collection downloading/adding to WayBack-Tube; If I remember correctly, yt-dl (or any number of forked projects) is capable of downloading entire playlists in theory but, again if memory serves correctly, in practice it was always accompanied by some issue that would interrupt downloading of the playlist before it ever got a chance to finish in its entirety. Again, I understand that that's entirely dependent upon a completely separate project and it's therefore outside of the scope of WayBack-Tube but I guess I'm just curious what your experience has been and if mine is an issue of operator error or is commonplace.

Also, directly related to that is the follow-up question of whether or not entire channels could be added to WayBack-Tube or if not entire channels then all uploads by a particular user, (with the understanding that again, this is too is dependent upon yt-dl, et al.)? It would be way too convenient if there was a way to simply download my entire library playlists and subscriptions and all for adding to WayBack-Tube lol

Any insight you're able to provide is very much appreciated. I hope you're not too annoyed by the fact that every component of my question is more or less dependent upon a project other than your own, but just the same, this question is one that anybody that comes across WayBack-Tube and is interested in deploying it is likely to also arrive at.

PS - I don't have my own server space and am more or less a complete n00b where that's concerned but I assume that this is a prerequisite for deploying WBT? Does one need their own domain, etc. and are there any options that exist for users like myself to carve out a chunk of space on the web without high barriers of entry from either a cost or technical proficiency/experience standpoint? AWS comes to mind but again, just looking for any insight from somebody that's probably exponentially more knowledgeable on the subject than myself.

Thanks and again, regardless of where the project is from a maturity standpoint, I appreciate you taking the time to develop and maintain it and look forward to watching it progress.

PPS - I discovered you and as a result this project after searching the F-Droid repositories for a simple photo gallery since Focus Go seem to be having lag issues on A13T, at which point I came across Litrato for which it was referenced that a more in-depth description could be found on the projects Read-me. All this is a lead up to the real question which is: What was the inspiration for the name Scrum-Bandicoot? I ask because I was a huge fan of Crash Bandicoot and wonder if you grew up in the same time or otherwise had a OG PlayStation 1 and its seminal game series Crash Bandicoot?