WatchAndyTW / valorant-api.js

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valorant-api.js is currently a simple wrapper for endpoints used by the Valorant client.


Use npm to install valorant-api.js

npm i @ev3nvy/valorant-api.js


First, import library into your project.

const Valorant = require('@ev3nvy/valorant-api.js');

You can also use destructuring import:

const { ValorantClientAPI, Regions } = require('@ev3nvy/valorant-api.js');

Afterwards, you need to create a new ValorantClientAPI instance and authorize:

let api = new ValorantClientAPI();
let eu = Regions.Europe;

api.authorize(eu, 'username', 'password').then(async () => {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));

Alternatively, region can be a string.

Supported regions:

Regions. string
AsiaPacific ap
Brasil br
Europe eu
Korea kr
LatinAmerica latam
NorthAmerica na

You can now begin making api calls inside that end block. By destructuring ValorantClientAPI() instance .Endpoints, you can then make calls to that group of endpoints.

const { Authorized } = api.Endpoints;
let xp = await Authorized().accountXp();

Things like Gamemodes and Agents are defined in Content, so that you don't have to deal with that yourself.

const { ValorantClientAPI, Regions, Content } = require('@ev3nvy/valorant-api.js');
// ...
api.authorize(eu, 'username', 'password').then(async () => {
  const { Authorized, Public } = api.Endpoints;
  const { Gamemodes } = Content;
  let matchHistory = await Public().getMatchHistory(eu, api.getPuuid(), 0, 20, Gamemodes.Competitive);
}).catch(err => console.error(err));

It is recommended to wrap those calls in a try...catch statement.

const { Authorized, Public } = api.Endpoints;
const { Gamemodes } = Content;
try {
  let xp = await Authorized().accountXp();
  let matchHistory = await Public().getMatchHistory(eu, api.getPuuid(), 0, 20, Gamemodes.Competitive);
  console.log({xp, matchHistory});
} catch (err) {

Endpoints are grouped by whom they can be used and who they target.

Endpoint name Description
Global Data that is not user specific, such as server configs and game content data.
Public Data that accepts puuids from others not just the authorized user, but is user/match specific.
Authorized Data that only accepts puuids of the authorized user.

Other endpoints (Party, Pregame, Ingame, Store), have the same restrictions as Authorized.


const { ValorantClientAPI, Regions, Content } = require('@ev3nvy/valorant-api.js');

let api = new ValorantClientAPI();
let eu = Regions.Europe;

api.authorize(eu, 'username', 'password').then(async () => {
  const { Authorized, Public } = api.Endpoints;
  const { Gamemodes } = Content;
  try {
    // fetch account xp
    let xp = await Authorized().accountXp();
    // fetch match history
    let matchHistory = await Public().getMatchHistory(eu, api.getPuuid(), 0, 20, Gamemodes.Competitive);
    console.log({xp, matchHistory});
  } catch (err) {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));

ValorantClientAPI features


  • getRegionConfig(region)
  • getItemUpgrades(region)
  • getLeaderbord(region, seasonId, startIndex?, size?, playerName?)
  • getGameContent(region)
  • getCustomGameConfigs(region)
  • fetchQueueData(region)


  • getPlayerMmr(region, puuid)
  • getPlayerMmrHistory(region, puuid, startIndex?, endIndex?)
  • getMatchHistory(region, puuid, startIndex?, endIndex?, gamemode?)
  • getMatchDetails(region, matchId)


  • accountXp()
  • playerContracts()
  • activateContract(contractId)
  • loadout()
  • changeLoadout(body) - does work, but there is a loadout builder planned
  • penalties()
  • getSession()


  • getPlayer()
  • getParty(partyId)
  • getChatToken(partyId)
  • getVoiceToken(partyId)
  • makeDefault(partyId, gamemode)
  • joinParty(partyId)
  • leaveParty(partyId)
  • inviteToPartyByName(partyId, playerName, tagName)
  • requestToJoin(partyId, puuid)
  • declineRequest(partyId, requestId)
  • setReady(partyId, ready)
  • changeQueue(partyId, gamemode)
  • roomAccessibility(partyId, status)
  • setPreferredGamePods(partyId, gamePods)
  • joinQueue(partyId)
  • leaveQueue(partyId)
  • makePartyIntoCustomGame(partyId)
  • setCustomGameSettings(partyId, settings)
  • startCustomGame(partyId)
  • refreshCompetitiveTier(partyId)
  • refreshPlayerIdentity(partyId)
  • refreshPings(partyId)
  • removePlayer(puuid)
  • leaveFromParty(partyId)


  • getPlayer()
  • getMatch(matchId)
  • matchLoadouts(matchId)
  • getChatToken(matchId)
  • getVoiceToken(matchId)
  • selectCharacter(matchId, characterId)
  • lockCharacter(matchId, characterId)
  • quitMatch(matchId)


  • getPlayer()
  • getMatch(matchId)
  • matchLoadouts(matchId)
  • getAllChatToken(matchId)
  • getTeamChatToken(matchId)
  • getVoiceToken(matchId)
  • quitMatch(matchId)


  • balance()
  • getStore()
  • itemEntitlements(itemTypeId)
  • offers()
  • order(orderId) - should be working just hasn't been tested


  • Implement a loadout builder
  • Docs
  • RiotClient endpoints
  • Maybe also wrapper
  • Refactor code so that party/pregame/ingame ids are automatically fetched and inserted


Riot Games, VALORANT, and any associated logos are trademarks, service marks, and/or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.

This project is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Riot Games, Inc or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

I, the project owner and creator, am not responsible for any legalities that may arise in the use of this project. Use at your own risk.



Language:TypeScript 100.0%