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bug: Unexpect exception (memory OOB)

erxiaozhou opened this issue · comments


An unexpected exception can be triggered on WasmEdge.

Current State

There is an exception indicating "memory OOB".

Expected State

An output: 782761984

Reproduction steps

  2. Execute: 'wasmedge --reactor <case_name> to_test'
  3. Get error



Any logs you want to share for showing the specific issue

[2024-01-16 02:54:19.844] [error] execution failed: out of bounds memory access, Code: 0x408
[2024-01-16 02:54:19.844] [error]     Accessing offset from: 0x00013a06 to: 0x00013a0d , Out of boundary: 0x0000ffff
[2024-01-16 02:54:19.844] [error]     In instruction: v128.load8x8_u (0xfd 0x02) , Bytecode offset: 0x0000019c
[2024-01-16 02:54:19.844] [error]     When executing function name: "to_test"



WasmEdge Version or Commit you used


Operating system information

Ubuntu 20.04

Hardware Architecture


Compiler flags and options


I can reproduce this issue on my machine. Can I get some pointers on how to solve this bug? I am pretty new to this codebase and would love to take on this.

Hi @k3yss
The output shows the error occurs when calling v128.load8x8_u instruction. So you may need to check the implementation of this and the previous instructions before calling this.

After some debugging I was finally able to pinpoint the below code that was throwing the exception in the file include/runtime/instance/memory.h

/// Check access size is valid.
  bool  checkAccessBound(uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Length) const noexcept {
    const uint64_t AccessLen =
        static_cast<uint64_t>(Offset) + static_cast<uint64_t>(Length);
    return AccessLen <= MemType.getLimit().getMin() * kPageSize;

The value of AccessLen evalutes to 80398 while the value of MemType.getLimit().getMin() * kPageSize evalutes to 65536 which causes the expression to become false and in turn throws a memory OOB error.

Two possible solution that comes on top of my head from intuition is:
1: Increase the size of MemType.getLimit().getMin() * kPageSize. (I am probably wrong here)
2: Somehow decrease the size of AccessLen. (Probably corrent)

Can I get a review on this approach @hydai.

Both are wrong, the exception point do the right thing, the problem should be why instruction tries to read something out of bound follows above discussion.

This is not a bug in WasmEdge and fixed in Wasmtime (tested in v20.0.2).

$ ./wasmtime run wasmedge_memory_oob.wasm --invoke to_test
warning: this CLI invocation of Wasmtime will be parsed differently in future
         Wasmtime versions -- see this online issue for more information:

         Wasmtime will now execute with the old (<= Wasmtime 13) CLI parsing,
         however this behavior can also be temporarily configured with an
         environment variable:

         - WASMTIME_NEW_CLI=0 to indicate old semantics are desired and silence this warning, or
         - WASMTIME_NEW_CLI=1 to indicate new semantics are desired and use the latest behavior
Error: failed to run main module `wasmedge_memory_oob.wasm`

Caused by:
    0: failed to invoke `to_test`
    1: error while executing at wasm backtrace:
           0:  0x19c - <unknown>!<wasm function 0>
    2: memory fault at wasm address 0x13a06 in linear memory of size 0x10000
    3: wasm trap: out of bounds memory access

Whish is the same result as WasmEdge:

./wasmedge --reactor wasmedge_memory_oob.wasm to_test
[2024-05-10 12:56:47.758] [error] execution failed: out of bounds memory access, Code: 0x408
[2024-05-10 12:56:47.758] [error]     Accessing offset from: 0x00013a06 to: 0x00013a0d , Out of boundary: 0x0000ffff
[2024-05-10 12:56:47.758] [error]     In instruction: v128.load8x8_u (0xfa) , Bytecode offset: 0x0000019c
[2024-05-10 12:56:47.758] [error]     When executing function name: "to_test"