Wallsmedia / DotNetCore.Configuration.Formatter

Creates a new configuration values by substituting IConfiguration Keys with Values from other IConfiguration Keys.

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DotNetCore Generic Configuration

DotNetCore.Configuration.Formatter creates a new configuration values by substituting IConfiguration Keys with Values from other IConfiguration Keys.

It is used in addtion to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration for providing generic configuration values based on simple "annotation format".

Annotations '{...}' in the value refer to other key elements in the IConfiguration data structure. It allows to application configuration values to be resloved (renderd) with using key values of other configuration sections and configuration providers.


Version: 8.0.x

.Net Core App support

  • Supports: net 8.0, netstandard2.0, netstandard2.1
  • Azure Function Support via ResolveAllKeyValues
  • ResolveKeyValue - Format/resolve a key reference value and replace it in the configuration.
  • ResolveAllKeyValues - Format/resolve all key reference values and replace them in the configuration.
  • AllConfigurationKeys - Get all keys from the configuration.
  • {Key??} - empty string feature.
  • {Key??null} - null feature.

Annotation format syntax

Annotation Definition
{ Key } If the Key reference will be resolved; it will be replaced with a value. If {Key} is not found, it will not be replaced and recursive references substitution will be cancelled,i.e JSON frendly.
{{{Key3}Key2}Key1} Supports complex and multiply recursive references substitution, it will be replaced with a final constructed reference value.
{Key??DefaultValue} If the Key reference will not be resolved in it will be replaced with the Default.
{Key??{DefaultKey}} If the Key reference will not be resolved in it will be replaced with the DefaultKey value.
{Key??} If the Key reference will not be resolved in it will be replaced with the string.Empty.
{Key??null} If the Key reference will not be resolved in it will be replaced with null.

How to use

Lets define the ApplicationConfiguration class:

public class ApplicationConfiguration 
     public bool IsDocker {get; set;}
     public string RunLocation {get; set;}
     public string BusConnection {get; set;}
     public string DbConnection {get; set;}
     public string CosmosDbConnection {get; set;}

Lets define the typical use cases:

  • We want that all values will have deffernt settings for different environments;
  • Environment will be defined by external environment variable
    • host_env = [dev|uat...] with default value loc

Define the generic appsettings.json:

     "IsDocker": "{DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER??false}",

Define the secrets.json file, or use DotNetCore.Azure.Configuration.KvSecrets, or write own secret configuration provider.

Where you define you secrets

    "secret:loc:BusConnection":"... azure bus endpoint ... ... "
    "secret:loc:DbConnection":"... sql connection string ... ... "
    "secret:loc:CosmosDbConnection":"... mongo db connection string ... ... "

    "secret:dev:BusConnection":"... azure bus endpoint ... ... "
    "secret:dev:DbConnection":"... sql connection string ... ... "
    "secret:dev:CosmosDbConnection":"... mongo db connection string ... ... "

    "secret:uat:BusConnection":"... azure bus endpoint ... ... "
    "secret:uat:DbConnection":"... sql connection string ... ... "
    "secret:uat:CosmosDbConnection":"... mongo db connection string ... ... "

In the Program.cs

Add you secrets into Configuration

  // Adds secrets.json.

  // Or;
  // Adds Azure Key Valt configuration provider.

  // Or;
  // Adds your own configuration provider.

Get generic app configuration rendered by "host_env"

     var applicationConfig = builder.Configuration.ApplyConfigurationFormatter()

or with shorthand

     var applicationConfig = builder.Configuration.GetTypeNameFormatted<ApplicationConfiguration>();

Azure Function Support

Some software used a dynamic IConfiguration in the code. In this case "DotNetCore Configuration Templates" doesn't work. For example it is Azure Functions. There added a special feature ResolveKeyValue.

    var configuration = ... // Get IConfiguration
    var keyToResolve = "MyConfigurationKey".
    var isUpdated = configuration.ResolveKeyValue(keyToResolve);

Resolve all keys in a configuration.

    var configuration = ... // Get IConfiguration
    var isUpdated = configuration.ResolveAllKeyValues();

Tested with Azure Configuration Providers


Creates a new configuration values by substituting IConfiguration Keys with Values from other IConfiguration Keys.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 100.0%