WalletConnect / web3modal

A single Web3 provider solution for all Wallets

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[feature request] Customize all WalletConnect options while initialize `createModal`

yulafezmesi opened this issue · comments

What problem does this new feature solve?

as far as i can see, currently not possible to pass optionalMethods and all other optiona to initialize walletconnect eth. provider. can we make this possible?


Describe the solution you'd like

create a new contractor object named like ethereumProviderOptions, and pass into walletconnect eth. provider.

private ethereumProviderOptions: EthereumProviderOptions | undefined = undefined

Is there any particular method you'd like to add? We add all the Ethereum methods by default

we have special integration with Avocado Wallet and Avocado handling custom methods like avocado_getOwner or avocado_sendTransaction. this was possible with legacy Web3Modal, but currently is not possible. (we're migrating to v4)

edit: if i don't pass the optional method names, throwing method not found err


Ahh this is only supported when used with Wagmi atm

i see. can be possible for ethers5 as well? i'm willing to created PR if sounds good you.

we will refactor the connectors logic, once that's done we can add it I think.

cc @svenvoskamp