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[feature] Support for Hedera chain JSON-RPC methods in Web3Modal

justynspooner opened this issue · comments

What problem does this new feature solve?

Hedera dapps and wallets recently added support for WalletConnect custom JSON-RPC methods as defined here.

We've been using WalletConnect Modal and are hitting limitations including lack of support for EIP-6963 and many other features that Web3Modal now provides.

Currently Web3Modal doesn't appear to support namespaces other that eip155.

We would like to add Hedera support to Web3Modal so we can use the custom Hedera JSON-RPC methods as defined here

Describe the solution you'd like

There have been other features/issues raised from a number of other chains including TRON and COSMOS looking for similar support. I'm sure each chain has developers who would love to submit PRs to solve this for their respective chain but we need some direction on how best to do this.

We'd prefer to have an abstract solution from the WalletConnect team which enables 3rd party developers to easily setup their own custom JSON-RPC connectors. It would be useful to have direction and/or examples of how this could be achieved with the current Web3Modal.

Right now the only mentions I've found is this ticket on a Solana integration using Solib which looks like it went from experiment to the bin and wasn't resurrected.

Please let us know if we're missing something that we can take advantage of today to solve this. Otherwise it would be great to collaborate to get this support added into Web3Modal so all chains can take advantage of it.

We look forward to solving this with you.
