WalletConnect / create-eth-app

Create Ethereum-powered apps with one command

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ipfs-http-client: Expected node version ">=14.0.0" on fresh install

mljlynch opened this issue · comments

Bug Description

The docs say that version 10 and later of node are supported

error ipfs-http-client@50.1.2: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=14.0.0". Got "12.19.0"
error Found incompatible module.

Steps to Reproduce
nvm version - v12.19.0

nvm use 12.19
yarn create eth-app my-eth-app
cd my-eth-app
yarn react-app:start

Expected Behavior
Expected this to install

Additional Context
Add any other context about the problem here (screenshots, whether the bug only occurs only in certain
mobile/desktop/browser environments, etc.)

Thanks for reporting! This is a duplicate of #145. Closing this so the issue is tracked in one place only.