Walkline80 / mpy-snippets

snippets code for mPython

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RT-Thread MicroPython 资源仓库 (English)

本仓库用来存放在 RT-Thread MicroPython 开发环境 中所使用或者展示的资源文件,包含内容如下表所示:

文件夹名称 介绍
code-completion MicroPython 自动补全相关源文件
demo demo 示例
docs 说明文档
examples 示例程序,包括通用示例以及特定于开发板的示例代码文件
firmware RT-Thread 官方支持的固件
library 通用库文件


您可以通过向 RT-Thread mpy-snippets 仓库 提交 PR 的方式来为开源项目作出贡献,我们非常期待并感谢您的提交。

欢迎各位开发者向 demo、examples 以及 library 项目中提交常用的示例文件或者自己编写的代码库。

RT-Thread MicroPython repository

The repository be used to store resources in RT-Thread MicroPython development environment, as shown in the following table:

folder name introduction
code-completion MicroPython auto-completion of related source files
demo demo example
docs specification document
examples examples of programs, including generic examples and, a sample code file specific to the development board
firmware RT - Thread official support firmware
library general library file


You are welcome to make contributions to open source project RT-Thread mpy-snippets repository by submitting your PR. We look forward to it and thank you for your submission.

Developers are welcome to submit common sample files or code libraries to demo, examples, and library projects.


snippets code for mPython


Language:Python 100.0%