WaelHamze / xrm-ci-framework

xRM CI Framework provides you with the tools automate the build and deployment of your CRM Solution. Using the framework to implement a fully automated DevOps pipeline will allow you to deploy more frequently with added consistency and quality.

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Problem with Import Solutions Using Config

biconix opened this issue · comments

I have been trying out the Import/Export Solutions and they work great!
i tried the Exports Solutions Using Config, and it also worked great.

However, I tried Import Solutions Using Config and it does not work. The error I get is:
D:\TFSBuild_work4\r1133\a$\GGZNT\Dev\Biz.Xrm.Gizanut\ReleaseUnmanagedSolutions.json does not exist

The file does exits. in fact it is sitting in the same directory as the config file in Exports Solutions Using Config, which works
Also it is curious that when i select the config file, the dialog box shows me the artifacts and not the Repo path. and there is no place to select the artifacts (unless it uses the Artifacts defined in the Release Pipline)

am i doing anything wrong?

Here is the YAML for the two steps. Notice the config paths are the same except for the filename

    #Your build pipeline references an undefined variable named ‘ConnectionString-DEV’. Create or edit the build pipeline for this YAML file, define the variable on the Variables tab. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865972


  • task: WaelHamze.xrm-ci-framework-build-tasks.MSCRMExportSolutionsUsingConfig.MSCRMExportSolutionsUsingConfig@12
    displayName: 'Exports Solutions Using Config'
    crmConnectionString: '$(ConnectionString-DEV)'
    configFilePath: '$/GZNT/Dev/biz.Xrm.GZNT/BuildUnmanagedSolutions.json'
    outputPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
  1. RELEASE STEP - GETS does not exist error
    #Your build pipeline references an undefined variable named ‘ConnectionString-QA’. Create or edit the build pipeline for this YAML file, define the variable on the Variables tab. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865972


  • task: WaelHamze.xrm-ci-framework-build-tasks.MSCRMImportSolutionsUsingConfig.MSCRMImportSolutionsUsingConfig@12
    displayName: 'Import Solutions Using Config'
    crmConnectionString: '$(ConnectionString-QA)'
    configFilePath: '$/GZNT/Dev/biz.Xrm.GZNT/ReleaseUnmanagedSolutions.json'