WZBSocialScienceCenter / tmtoolkit

Text Mining and Topic Modeling Toolkit for Python with parallel processing power

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Corpus.from_tabular add filenames as prefix to doc_labels.

fatihbozdag opened this issue · comments

Corpus.from_tabular function adds source file name as prefix to each doc_label identifier. Is there a way to prevent this?

corpus = Corpus.from_tabular('/metadata_with_text.csv', id_column = 'docid_field', text_column = 'text_field)
x = corpus.doc_labels


prefix = None as passed to pd.read_csv did not work.

Yes, you can change the default document label format by passing the parameter doc_label_fmt='{id}'. See https://tmtoolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#tmtoolkit.corpus.Corpus.add_tabular

Great! I do not know how I missed that parameter.

Meanwhile another question; is it possible to implement custom metadata to docs within corpus object? Like the speaker, speaker-gender, native-language, etc. which are provided in the CSV file along with the text? Honestly, I did not really get how to use preproc.add_metadata_per_doc function.

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