WYM / picogl.js

最小 WebGL 2 渲染库

Home Page:https://soulgem.cc/picogl.js/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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这个 Fork 主要用来对 PicoGL.js 的文档进行汉化,包括README、页面和 API 文档。

This Fork is using for Simplified Chinese translation of PicoGL.js, including README, website and API Docs.

API 中文文档 | Tutorial | Chat

PicoGL.js 是基于 WebGL 2 的最小渲染库。它能够为熟悉 WebGL 2 渲染管线的开发者提供更方便的API。PicoGL.js 的典型用途是参与创建程序(Program)、顶点缓冲(Vertex Buffer)、顶点数组(Vertex Array)、Uniform Buffers、 帧缓冲(Framebuffers)、纹理(Textures)、变换回传(Transform Feedbacks)、以及将他们合并为 DrawCall。

    // 创建管理所有 GL 状态的 App
    var app = PicoGL.createApp(canvas)
    .clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    // 创建 Program
    var program = app.createProgram(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource);

    // 创建顶点属性缓冲
    var positions = app.createVertexBuffer(PicoGL.FLOAT, 2, new Float32Array([
        -0.5, -0.5,
         0.5, -0.5,
         0.0,  0.5

    // VertexArray 管理属性缓冲状态
    var vertexArray = app.createVertexArray()
    .vertexAttributeBuffer(0, positions);

    // UniformBuffer 允许将多个 uniform 绑定到单个内存块中。
    // 第一部分定义了 UniformBuffer 的布局。
    // 第二部分更新了值。
    var uniformBuffer = app.createUniformBuffer([
    .set(0, new Float32Array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3]))
    .set(1, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.7]))

    // 根据程序和顶点数组创建渲染提交(缺一不可),还有一个 UniformBuffer。
    var drawCall = app.createDrawCall(program, vertexArray)
    .uniformBlock("ColorUniforms", uniformBuffer);

    // 绘制

注意:PicoGL.js 不是场景图渲染库。这里没有 Objects、Hierarchies、Transforms、Materials 等对象。它只是设计用来更方便地管理GPU状态。它的概念模型可以映射到使用 WenGL 2 API 直接编写的结构上。它唯一的高阶结构是用来管理一系列相关低阶结构的 DrawCall


可以直接下载PicoGL.js 的 built source ,并通过 script 标签加载:

    <script src="js/picogl.min.js"></script>

或者通过 npm 安装:

    npm install picogl

然后用 CommonJS 风格的 require 导入:

    var PicoGL = require("picogl");


PicoGL.js 简化了 WebGL 2 特性复杂的用法。例如多渲染目标(MRT)、Uniform Buffers、变换回传(Transform Feedback)和实例化渲染(Instanced Drawing)。

多渲染目标(Multiple Render Targets)

    var app = PicoGL.createApp(canvas)
    .clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    // 作为渲染目标的纹理
    var colorTarget0 = app.createTexture2D(app.width, app.height);
    var colorTarget1 = app.createTexture2D(app.width, app.height);
    var depthTarget = app.createTexture2D(app.width, app.height, {
        format: PicoGL.DEPTH_COMPONENT

    // 为渲染目标创建帧缓冲
    var framebuffer = app.createFramebuffer()
    .colorTarget(0, colorTarget0)
    .colorTarget(1, colorTarget1)
    // ... 为离屏和主绘制 pass 创建 Program 和顶点数组 ...
    var offscreenDrawCall = app.createDrawCall(offscreenProgram, offscreenVAO);

    // 将主 Program 贴图采样绑定到帧缓冲目标
    var mainDrawCall = app.createDrawCall(mainProgram, mainVAO)
    .texture("texture1", framebuffer.colorAttachments[0])
    .texture("texture2", framebuffer.colorAttachments[1])
    .texture("depthTexture", framebuffer.depthAttachment);

    // 离屏 pass
    // 主绘制 pass

Uniform Buffers

    var app = PicoGL.createApp(canvas)
    .clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    // ... 创建 Program 和顶点数组 ...

    // 使用的是 std140 布局
    var uniformBuffer = app.createUniformBuffer([
    .set(0, matrix)
    .set(1, float32Vector)
    .set(2, int32Vector)
    .set(3, scalar)
    .update();      // update() 被调用时,数据只会被传给 GPU

    var drawCall = app.createDrawCall(program, vertexArray)
    .uniformBlock("UniformBlock", uniformBuffer);

变换回传(Transform Feedback)

    var app = PicoGL.createApp(canvas)
    .clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    // Last argument is transform feedback varyings
    var program = app.createProgram(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource, ["vPosition"]);

    var positions1 = app.createVertexBuffer(PicoGL.FLOAT, 2, new Float32Array([
        -0.5, -0.5,
         0.5, -0.5,
         0.0,  0.5
    var vertexArray = app.createVertexArray()
    .vertexAttributeBuffer(0, positions1);

    // Empty destination buffer of 6 floats
    var positions2 = app.createVertexBuffer(PicoGL.FLOAT, 2, 6);  

    // Capture transform results into positions2 buffer
    var transformFeedback = app.createTransformFeedback()
    .feedbackBuffer(0, positions2);

    var drawCall = app.createDrawCall(program, vertexArray)


实例化渲染(Instanced Drawing)

    var app = PicoGL.createApp(canvas)
    .clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    var program = app.createProgram(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource);

    // The starting positions of the triangle. Each pair of coordinates
    // will be passed per-vertex
    var positions = app.createVertexBuffer(PicoGL.FLOAT, 2, new Float32Array([
        -0.3, -0.3,
         0.3, -0.3,
         0.0,  0.3

    // This is an instance buffer meaning each pair of numbers will be passed
    // per-instance, rather than per-vertex
    var offsets = app.createVertexBuffer(PicoGL.FLOAT, 2, new Float32Array([
        -0.5, 0.0,
         0.0, 0.2,
         0.5, 0.0

    // This vertex array is set up to draw 3 instanced triangles 
    // with the offsets given above
    var vertexArray = app.createVertexArray()
    .vertexAttributeBuffer(0, positions); // Pass positions per-vertex
    .instanceAttributeBuffer(1, offset); // Pass offsets per-instance


最小 WebGL 2 渲染库


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.9%Language:HTML 9.4%Language:CSS 0.7%