WXinlong / SOLO

SOLO and SOLOv2 for instance segmentation, ECCV 2020 & NeurIPS 2020.

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RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory occurred when testing

zhuaiyi opened this issue · comments


python tools/test_ins.py configs/solov2/solov2_light_448_r34_fpn_8gpu_3x.py  work_dirs/solov2_light_release_r34_fpn_8gpu_3x/epoch_36.pth --show --out  results_solo.pkl
 --eval segm

[>>>>>>>>>>>>> ] 20/76, 0.3 task/s, elapsed: 59s, ETA: 165s
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 3.30 GiB (GPU 0; 8.00 GiB total capacity; 973.14 MiB already allocated; 2.13 GiB free; 3.74 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
Then I shrinked my test set to 14 images, same error occurred when [>> ] 2/14.

python 3.7
CUDA 11.1
PyTorch 1.7.0+cu110

The epoch_36.pth file is generated from the training on my own dataset. And performed pretty good when single-tested by inference_demo.py but fail with this batch-test command.

@zhuaiyi You can reduce the number of objects in post-process, e.g., to set a smaller MODEL.SOLOV2.NMS_PRE. Or, move this sort and select part ahead, after the model prediction. For example, move Line440~448 to Line 410 of solov2.py, with minimal modifications, e.g., make sure you modify the names and didn't miss any variables.

@zhuaiyi You can reduce the number of objects in post-process, e.g., to set a smaller MODEL.SOLOV2.NMS_PRE. Or, move this sort and select part ahead, after the model prediction. For example, move Line440~448 to Line 410 of solov2.py, with minimal modifications, e.g., make sure you modify the names and didn't miss any variables.

Thanks very much! I'll get to work on it.

@zhuaiyi You can reduce the number of objects in post-process, e.g., to set a smaller MODEL.SOLOV2.NMS_PRE. Or, move this sort and select part ahead, after the model prediction. For example, move Line440~448 to Line 410 of solov2.py, with minimal modifications, e.g., make sure you modify the names and didn't miss any variables.

Thanks very much! I'll get to work on it.

@zhuaiyi You can reduce the number of objects in post-process, e.g., to set a smaller MODEL.SOLOV2.NMS_PRE. Or, move this sort and select part ahead, after the model prediction. For example, move Line440~448 to Line 410 of solov2.py, with minimal modifications, e.g., make sure you modify the names and didn't miss any variables.

Thanks very much! I'll get to work on it.


@zhuaiyi You can reduce the number of objects in post-process, e.g., to set a smaller MODEL.SOLOV2.NMS_PRE. Or, move this sort and select part ahead, after the model prediction. For example, move Line440~448 to Line 410 of solov2.py, with minimal modifications, e.g., make sure you modify the names and didn't miss any variables.

Thanks very much! I'll get to work on it.

