WXinlong / ASIS

Associatively Segmenting Instances and Semantics in Point Clouds, CVPR 2019

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6-fold CV

Biotan opened this issue · comments

hi,thanks for your excellent work.there is a problem that I meet when I use 6-fold CV,but I get a irregular performance,I think there is some bug in my code,could you please give me your code with 6-fold CV ? if it's possible,could you please give me the code with shapeNet dataset ? thanks a lot.

@Biotan Hi, you can modify the line 8 of eval_iou_accuracy.py for 6-fold CV:
for i in range(1,7):

thanks for your answers.
In addition, I want to verify whether the knn is needed in inference step,I find that in test, knn is needed.however,when you calculate the inference time ,knn is removed.

@Biotan Hi, kNN is needed. It is not removed during inference.