WXinlong / ASIS

Associatively Segmenting Instances and Semantics in Point Clouds, CVPR 2019

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tf_op compile failed on tf1.3

renhaha123 opened this issue · comments

Thank you for your great code!
I used the "conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/anaconda tensorflow-gpu=1.3.0" command to install tf1.3, but there is no " external/nsync/public" behind "anaconda3/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/include/external/" in the directory.
Thus I can't compile successfully tf_op.
Any advise will be appreciated.

tf1.4 have " external/nsync/public" behind "anaconda3/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/include/external/"

Thanks for your advice.
However,the author suggest to use tf1.3 , we can reproduce the paper's result.