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The MountObserver api, an alternative lazy custom element definition proposal

bahrus opened this issue · comments

The MountObserver api.

Author: Bruce B. Anderson (with valuable feedback from @doeixd )

Issues / pr's / polyfill: mount-observer

Last Update: 2024-5-21

Benefits of this API

What follows is a far more ambitious alternative to the lazy custom element proposal. The goals of the MountObserver api are more encompassing, and less focused on registering custom elements. In fact, this proposal addresses numerous use cases in one api. It is basically mapping common filtering conditions in the DOM, to mounting a "campaign" of some sort, like importing a resource, and/or progressively enhancing an element, and/or "binding from a distance".

"Binding from a distance" refers to empowering the developer to essentially manage their own "stylesheets" -- but rather than for purposes of styling, using these rules to attach behaviors, set property values, etc, to the HTML as it streams in. Libraries that take this approach include Corset and trans-render. The concept has been promoted by a number of prominent voices in the community.

The underlying theme is this api is meant to make it easy for the developer to do the right thing, by encouraging lazy loading and smaller footprints. It rolls up most all the other observer api's into one, including, potentially, this one.

Does this api make the impossible possible?

There is quite a bit of functionality this proposal would open up, that is exceedingly difficult to polyfill reliably:

  1. It is unclear how to use mutation observers to observe changes to custom state. The closest thing might be a solution like this, but that falls short for elements that aren't visible, or during template instantiation, and requires carefully constructed "negating" queries if needing to know when the css selector is no longer matching.

  2. For simple css matches, like "my-element", or "[name='hello']" it is enough to use a mutation observer, and only observe the elements within the specified DOM region (more on that below). But as CSS has evolved, it is quite easy to think of numerous css selectors that would require us to expand our mutation observer to need to scan the entire Shadow DOM realm, or the entire DOM tree outside any Shadow DOM, for any and all mutations (including attribute changes), and re-evaluate every single element within the specified DOM region for new matches or old matches that no longer match. Things like child selectors, :has, and so on. All this is done, miraculously, by the browser in a performant way. Reproducing this in userland using JavaScript alone, matching the same performance seems impossible.

  3. Knowing when an element, previously being monitored for, passes totally "out-of-scope", so that no more hard references to the element remain. This would allow for cleanup of no longer needed weak references without requiring polling.

Most significant use cases.

The amount of code necessary to accomplish these common tasks designed to improve the user experience is significant. Building it into the platform would potentially:

  1. Give the developer a strong signal to do the right thing, by
    1. Making lazy loading of resource dependencies easy, to the benefit of users with expensive networks.
    2. Supporting "binding from a distance" that can set property values of elements in bulk as the HTML streams in. For example, say a web page is streaming in HTML with thousands of input elements (say a long tax form). We want to have some indication in the head tag of the HTML (for example) to make all the input elements read only as they stream through the page. With css, we could do similar things, for example set the background to red of all input elements. Why can't we do something similar with setting properties like readOnly, disabled, etc? With this api, giving developers the "keys" to css filtering, so they can "mount a campaign" to apply common settings on them all feels like something that almost every web developer has mentally screamed to themselves "why can't I do that?", doesn't it?
    3. Supporting "progressive enhancement" more effectively.
  2. Potentially by allowing the platform to do more work in the low-level (c/c++/rust?) code, without as much context switching into the JavaScript memory space, which may reduce cpu cycles as well. This is done by passing into the API substantial number of conditions, which can all be evaluated at a lower level, before the api needs to surface up to the developer "found one!".
  3. As discussed earlier, to do the job right, polyfills really need to reexamine all the elements within the observed node for matches anytime any element within the Shadow Root so much as sneezes (has attribute modified, changes custom state, etc), due to modern selectors such as the :has selector. Surely, the platform has found ways to do this more efficiently?

The extra flexibility this new primitive would provide could be quite useful to things other than lazy loading of custom elements, such as implementing custom enhancements as well as binding from a distance in userland.


Reading through the historical links tied to the selector-observer proposal this proposal helped spawn, I may have painted an overly optimistic picture of what the platform is capable of. It does leave me a little puzzled why this isn't an issue when it comes to styling, and also if some of the advances that were utilized to support :has could be applied to this problem space, so that maybe the arguments raised there have weakened. Even if the concerns raised are as relevant today, I think considering the use cases this proposal envisions, that the objections could be overcome, for the following reasons: 1. For scenarios where lazy loading is the primary objective, "bunching" multiple DOM mutations together and only reevaluating when things are quite idle is perfectly reasonable. Also, for binding from a distance, most of the mutations that need responding to quickly will be when the state of the host changes, so DOM mutations play a somewhat muted role in that regard. Again, bunching multiple DOM mutations together, even if adds a bit of a delay, also seems reasonable. I also think the platform could add an "analysis" step to look at the query and categorize it as "simple" queries vs complex. Selector queries that are driven by the characteristics of the element itself (localName, attributes, etc) could be handled in a more expedited fashion. Those that the platform does expect to require more babysitting could be monitored for less vigilantly. Maybe in the latter case, a console.warning could be emitted during initialization. The other use case, for lazy loading custom elements and custom enhancements based on attributes, I think most of the time this would fit the "simple" scenario, so again there wouldn't be much of an issue.

First use case -- lazy loading custom elements

To specify the equivalent of what the alternative proposal linked to above would do, we can do the following:

const observer = new MountObserver({
   import: './my-element.js',
   do: {
      mount: ({localName}, {modules, observer}) => {
        if(!customElements.get(localName)) {
            customElements.define(localName, modules[0].MyElement);

Invoking "disconnect" as shown above causes the observer to emit event "disconnectedCallback".

The argument can also be an array of objects that fit the pattern shown above.

If no imports are specified, it would go straight to do.* (if any such callbacks are specified), and it will also dispatch events as discussed below.

This only searches for elements matching 'my-element' outside any shadow DOM.

But the observe method can accept a node within the document, or a shadowRoot, or a node inside a shadowRoot as well.

The "observer" constant above is a class instance that inherits from EventTarget, which means it can be subscribed to by outside interests.

The import key

This proposal has been amended to support multiple imports, including of different types:

const observer = new MountObserver({
   import: [
      ['./my-element-small.css', {type: 'css'}],
   do: {
      mount: ({localName}, {modules, observer}) => {
        if(!customElements.get(localName)) {
            customElements.define(localName, modules[1].MyElement);

Th key can accept either a single import or multiple (via an array).

The do event won't be invoked until all the imports have been successfully completed and inserted into the modules array.

Previously, this proposal called for allowing arrow functions as well, thinking that could be a good interim way to support bundlers. But the valuable input provided by doeixd makes me think that that interim support could just as effectively be done by the developer in the do methods.

This proposal would also include support for JSON and HTML module imports.

MountObserver script element

Following an approach similar to the speculation api, we can add a script element anywhere in the DOM:

<script type="mountobserver" id=myMountObserver  onmount="
   const {matchingElement} = event;
   const {localName} = matchingElement;
   if(!customElements.get(localName)) {
      customElements.define(localName, modules[1].MyElement);
   "import": [
      ["./my-element-small.css", {type: "css"}],

The objects modules, observer, mountedElements (array of weak refs) would be available as properties of the script element:

const {modules, observer, mountedElements} = myMountObserver;

The "scope" of the observer would the ShadowRoot containing the script element (or the document outside Shadow if placed outside any shadow DOM, like in the head element).

Shadow Root inheritance

Inside a shadow root, we can plop an script element with type mountobserver, and indicate which mountobserver script element from the parent ShadowRoot it should inherit from:

<script id=yourMountObserver inherits="#myObserver">

Anything not specified gets inherited from the referenced script element.

Binding from a distance

It is important to note that "on" is a css query with no restrictions. So something like:

const observer = new MountObserver({
   on:'div > p + p ~ span[class$="name"]',
      mount: (matchingElement) => {
         //attach some behavior or set some property value or add an event listener, etc.
         matchingElement.textContent = 'hello';

... would work.

This would allow developers to create "stylesheet" like capabilities.

Extra lazy loading

By default, the matches would be reported as soon as an element matching the criterion is found or added into the DOM, inside the node specified by rootNode.

However, we could make the loading even more lazy by specifying intersection options:

const observer = new MountObserver({
   on: 'my-element',
      rootMargin: "0px",
      threshold: 1.0,
   import: './my-element.js'

Media / container queries / instanceOf / custom checks

Unlike traditional CSS @import, CSS Modules don't support specifying different imports based on media queries. That can be another condition we can attach (and why not throw in container queries, based on the rootNode?):

const observer = new MountObserver({
   on: 'div > p + p ~ span[class$="name"]',
   whereMediaMatches: '(max-width: 1250px)',
   whereSizeOfContainerMatches: '(min-width: 700px)',
   whereInstanceOf: [HTMLMarqueeElement],
   whereSatisfies: async (matchingElement, context) => true,
   whereLangIn: ['en-GB'],
      effectiveTypeIn: ["slow-2g"],
   import: ['./my-element-small.css', {type: 'css'}],
   do: {
      mount: ({localName}, {modules}) => {
      dismount: ...,
      disconnect: ...,
      reconnect: ...,
      reconfirm: ...,
      exit: ...,
      forget: ...,

Callbacks like we see above are useful for tight coupling, and probably are unmatched in terms of performance. The expression that the "do" field points to could also be a (stateful) user defined class instance.

However, since these rules may be of interest to multiple parties, it is useful to also provide the ability for multiple parties to subscribe to these css rules. This can be done via:


Subscribing can be done via:

observer.addEventListener('mount', e => {
      matchingElement: e.matchingElement, 
      module: e.module
observer.addEventListener('dismount', e => {
observer.addEventListener('disconnect', e => {
observer.addEventListener('reconnect', e => {
observer.addEventListener('reconfirm', e => {
observer.addEventListener('exit', e => {
observer.addEventListener('forget', e => {

Explanation of all states / events

Normally, an element stays in its place in the DOM tree, but the conditions that the MountObserver instance is monitoring for can change for the element, based on modifications to the attributes of the element itself, or its custom state, or to other peer elements within the shadowRoot, if any, or window resizing, etc. As the element meets or doesn't meet all the conditions, the mountObserver will first call the corresponding mount/dismount callback, and then dispatch event "mount" or "dismount" according to whether the criteria are all met or not.

The moment a MountObserver instance's "observe" method is called (passing in a root node), it will inspect every element within its subtree (not counting ShadowRoots), and then call the "mount" callback, and dispatch event "mount" for those elements that match the criteria. It will not dispatch "dismount" for elements that don't.

If an element that is in "mounted" state according to a MountObserver instance is moved from one parent DOM element to another:

  1. "disconnect" event is dispatched from the MountObserver instance the moment the mounted element is disconnected from the DOM fragment.
  2. If/when the element is added somewhere else in the DOM tree, the mountObserver instance will dispatch event "reconnect", regardless of where. [Note: can't polyfill this very easily]
  3. If the mounted element is added outside the rootNode being observed, the mountObserver instance will dispatch event "exit", and the MountObserver instance will relinquish any further responsibility for this element.
  4. Ideally event "forget" would be dispatched just before the platform garbage collects an element the MountObserver instance is still monitoring, after all hard references are relinquished (or is that self-contradictory?).
  5. If the new place it was added remains within the original rootNode and remains mounted, the MountObserver instance dispatches event "reconfirmed".
  6. If the element no longer satisfies the criteria of the MountObserver instance, the MountObserver instance will dispatch event "dismount".


In many cases, it will be critical to inform the developer why the element no longer satisfies all the criteria. For example, we may be using an intersection observer, and when we've scrolled away from view, we can "shut down" until the element is (nearly) scrolled back into view. We may also be displaying things differently depending on the network speed. How we should respond when one of the original conditions, but not the other, no longer applies, is of paramount importance.

So the dismount event should provide a "checklist" of all the conditions, and their current value:

mediaMatches: true,
containerMatches: true,
satisifiesCustomCondition: true,
whereLangIn: ['en-GB'],
   effectiveTypeMatches: true
isIntersecting: false,
changedConditions: ['isIntersecting']

Get play-by-play updates?

An issue raised by @doeixd, I think, is what if we want to be informed of the status of all the conditions that are applicable to an element being mounted / dismounted? I can see scenarios where this would be useful, for reasons similar to wanting to know why the element dismounted.

Since this could have a negative impact on performance, I think it should be something we opt-in to:

getPlayByPlay: true

Now the question is when should this progress reporting start? It could either start the moment the element becomes mounted the first time. Or it could happen the moment any of the conditions are satisfied. But some of the conditions could be trivially satisfied for the vast majority of elements (e.g. network speed is 4g or greater).

So I believe the prudent thing to do is wait for all the conditions to be satisfied, before engaging in this kind of commentary, i.e. after the first mount.

The alternative to providing this feature, which I'm leaning towards, is to just ask the developer to create "specialized" mountObserver construction arguments, that turn on and off precisely when the developer needs to know.

A tribute to attributes

Extra support is provided for monitoring attributes. There are two primary reasons for needing to provide special support for attributes with this API:

Being that for both custom elements, as well as (hopefully) custom enhancements we need to carefully work with sets of "owned" observed attributes, and in some cases we may need to manage combinations of prefixes and suffixes for better name-spacing management, creating the most effective css query becomes challenging.

We want to be alerted by the discovery of elements adorned by these attributes, but then continue to be alerted to changes of their values, and we can't enumerate which values we are interested in, so we must subscribe to all values as they change.

A key attribute of attributes

I think it is useful to divide attributes that we we would want to observe into two categories:

  1. Invariably named, prefix-less, "top-level" attributes that serve as the "source of the truth".

Examples are many built-in global attributes, like lang, or contenteditable, or more specialized examples such as "content" for the meta tag. Often, setting the property values corresponding to these attributes results in directly reflecting those property values to the attributes (perhaps in a round about way). And there are usually no events we can subscribe to in order to know when the property changes. Hijacking the property setter in order to observe changes may not always work or feel very resilient. So monitoring the attribute value is often the most effective way of observing when the property/attribute state for these elements change. Some attributes of custom elements may fit this category (but maybe a minority of them).

And in some application environments, adjusting state via attributes may be the preferred approach, so we want to support this scenario, even if it doesn't abide by a common view of what constitutes "best practices." Again, the distinguishing feature of the attributes that we would want to monitor in this way is that they are "top-level" and unlikely to differ in name across different Shadow DOM scopes.

  1. In contrast, there are scenarios where we want to support somewhat fluid, renamable attributes within different Shadow DOM scopes, which add behavior/enhancement capabilities on top of built-in or third party custom elements.

We want our api to be able to distinguish between these two, and to be able to combine both types in one mount observer instance.

Attributes that are the "source of truth"

So for the first scenario, we can specify attributes to listen for as follows:

import {MountObserver} from 'mount-observer/MountObserver.js';
const mo = new MountObserver({
   on: '*',
      isIn: ['lang', 'contenteditable']

mo.addEventListener('attrChange', e => {
   // {
   //    matchingElement,
   //    attrChangeInfo:[{
   //       idx: 0,
   //       name: 'lang'
   //       oldValue: null,
   //       newValue: 'en-GB',
   //    }]
   // }

Help with parsing?

This proposal is likely to evolve going forward, attempting to synthesize separate ideas for declaratively specifying how to interpret the attributes, parsing them so that they may be merged into properties of a class instance.

But for now, such support is not part of this proposal (though we can see a glimpse of what that support might look like below).

Custom Enhancements in userland

This proposal, support for (progressive) enhancement of built-in or third-party custom elements, could take quite a while to see the light of day, if ever.

In the meantime, we want to provide the most help for providing for custom enhancements in userland, and for any other kind of (progressive) enhancement based on (server-rendered) attributes going forward.

Suppose we have a (progressive) enhancement that we want to apply based on the presence of 1 or more attributes.

To make this discussion concrete, let's suppose the "canonical" names of those attributes are:

<div id=div>

Now suppose we are worried about namespace clashes, plus we want to serve environments where HTML5 compliance is a must.

So we also want to recognize additional attributes that should map to these canonical attributes:

We want to also support:

<div id=div>
   <section class=hello 

Based on the current unspoken rules, no one will raise an eyebrow with these attributes, because the platform has indicated it will generally avoid dashes in attributes (with an exception or two that will only happen in a blue moon, like aria-*).

But now when we consider applying this enhancement to third party custom elements, we have a new risk. What's to prevent the custom element from having an attribute named my-enhancement?

So let's say we want to insist that on custom elements, we must have the data- prefix?

And we want to support an alternative, more semantic sounding prefix to data, say enh-*, endorsed by this proposal.

Here's what the api doesn't provide (as originally proposed):

The carpal syndrome syntax

Using the same expression structure as above, we would end up with this avalanche of settings:

import {MountObserver} from '../MountObserver.js';
const mo = new MountObserver({
   on: '*',
      isIn: [
         //...some ten more combinations not listed
            name: 'my-enhancement',
            builtIn: true
            name: 'my-enhancement-first-aspect',
            builtIn: true
            name: 'my-enhancement-second-aspect',
            builtIn: true

The DRY Way

This seems like a much better approach, and is supported by this proposal:

import {MountObserver} from '../MountObserver.js';
const mo = new MountObserver({
   on: '*',
      hasRootIn: ['data', 'enh', 'data-enh'],
      hasBase: 'my-enhancement',
      hasBranchIn: ['first-aspect', 'second-aspect', ''],
      hasLeafIn: {
         'first-aspect': ['wow-this-is-deep', 'have-you-considered-using-json-for-this'],

MountObserver provides a breakdown of the matching attribute when encountered:

<div id=div>
   <section class=hello my-enhancement-first-aspect-wow-this-is-deep="hello"></section>
<script type=module>
   import {MountObserver} from '../MountObserver.js';
   const mo = new MountObserver({
      on: '*',
         hasRootIn: ['data', 'enh', 'data-enh'],
         hasBase: 'my-enhancement',
         hasBranchIn: ['first-aspect', 'second-aspect', ''],
         hasLeafIn: {
            'first-aspect': ['wow-this-is-deep', 'have-you-considered-using-json-for-this'],
   mo.addEventListener('attrChange', e => {
      // {
      //    matchingElement,
      //    attrChangeInfo:[{
      //       idx: 0,
      //       oldValue: null,
      //       newValue: 'good-bye',
      //       parts:{
      //          name: 'data-my-enhancement-first-aspect-wow-this-is-deep'
      //          root: 'data',
      //          base: 'my-enhancement',
      //          branch: 'first-aspect',
      //          leaf: 'wow-this-is-deep',
      //       }
      //    }]
      // }
   setTimeout(() => {
      const myCustomElement = document.querySelector('my-custom-element');
      myCustomElement.setAttribute('data-my-enhancement-first-aspect-wow-this-is-deep', 'good-bye');
   }, 1000);

Some libraries prefer to use the colon (:) rather than a dash to separate these levels of settings:

Possibly some libraries may prefer to mix it up a bit:

<div id=div>
   <section class=hello 

To support such syntax, specify the delimiter thusly:

const mo = new MountObserver({
   on: '*',
      hasRootIn: ['data', 'enh', 'data-enh'],
      hasBase: ['-', 'my-enhancement'],
      hasBranchIn: [':', ['first-aspect', 'second-aspect', '']],
      hasLeafIn: {
         'first-aspect': ['--', ['wow-this-is-deep', 'have-you-considered-using-json-for-this']],

Resolving ambiguity

Because we want the multiple root values (enh-, data-enh-, *) to be treated as equivalent, from a developer point of view, we have a possible ambiguity -- what if more than one root is present for the same base, branch and leaf? Which value trumps the others?

Tentative rules:

  1. Roots must differ in length.
  2. If one value is null (attribute not present) and the other a string, the one with the string value trumps.
  3. If two or more equivalent attributes have string values, the one with the longer root prevails.

The thinking here is that longer roots indicate higher "specificity", so it is safer to use that one.

Preemptive downloading

There are two significant steps to imports, each of which imposes a cost:

  1. Downloading the resource.
  2. Loading the resource into memory.

What if we want to download the resource ahead of time, but only load into memory when needed?

The link rel=modulepreload option provides an already existing platform support for this, but the browser complains when no use of the resource is used within a short time span of page load. That doesn't really fit the bill for lazy loading custom elements and other resources.

So for this we add option:

const observer = new MountObserver({
   on: 'my-element',
   loadingEagerness: 'eager',
   import: './my-element.js',
      mount: (matchingElement, {modules}) => customElements.define(modules[0].MyElement)

So what this does is only check for the presence of an element with tag name "my-element", and it starts downloading the resource, even before the element has "mounted" based on other criteria.


As a result of the google IO 2024 talks, I became aware that there is some similarity between this proposal and the speculation rules api. This motivated the change to the property from "loading" to loadingEagerness above.

Intra document html imports

This proposal "sneaks in" one more feature, that perhaps should stand separately as its own proposal. Because the MountObserver api allows us to attach behaviors on the fly based on css matching, and because the MountObserver would provide developers the "first point of contact" for such functionality, the efficiency argument seemingly "screams out" for this feature.

Also, this proposal is partly focused on better management of importing resources "from a distance", in particular via imports carried out via http. Is it such a stretch to look closely at scenarios where that distance happens to be shorter, i.e. found somewhere in the document tree structure?

The mount-observer is always on the lookout for template tags with a src attribute starting with #:

<template src=#id-of-source-template></template>

For example:

<div>Your Mother Should Know</div>
<div>I Am the Walrus</div>
<template src=#id-of-source-template>
   <span slot=slot1>hello</span>
   <span slot=slot2>goodbye<span>
<div>Strawberry Fields Forever</div>

When it encounters such a thing, it searches "upwardly" through the chain of ShadowRoots for a template with id=id-of-source-template (in this case), and caches them as it finds them.

Let's say the source template looks as follows:

<template id=id-of-source-template>
   <div>I don't know why you say <slot name=slot2></slot> I say <slot name=slot1></slot></div>

What we would end up with is:

<div>Your Mother Should Know</div>
<div>I Am the Walrus</div>
<div>I don't know why you say <span>goodbye</span> I say <span>hello</span></div>
<div>Strawberry Fields Forever</div>

Some significant differences with genuine slot support as used with (ShadowDOM'd) custom elements

  1. There is no mechanism for updating the slots. That is something under investigation with this userland custom enhancement, that could possibly lead to a future implementation request tied to template instantiation. It takes the approach of morphing from slots to a JS host object model that binds to where all the slots were "from a distance".
  2. ShadowDOM's slots act on a "many to one" basis. Multiple light children with identical slot identifiers all get merged into a single (first?) matching slot within the Shadow DOM. These "birtual" (birth-only, virtual) inclusions, instead, follow the opposite approach -- a single element with a slot identifier can get cloned into multiple slot targets as it weaves itself into the templates as they get merged together.

Intra document html imports with Shadow DOM support

This proposal (and polyfill) also supports the option to utilize ShadowDOM / slot updates:

<template id=chorus>
   <template src=#beautiful>
      <span slot=subjectIs>
            <slot name=subjectIs1></slot>

   <div>No matter what they say</div>
   <div prop-pronoun>Words
      <slot name=verb1></slot> bring
      <slot name=pronoun1></slot> down</div>
   <div>Oh no</div>
   <template src=#beautiful>
      <span slot=subjectIs>
            <slot name=subjectIs2></slot>
   <div>In every single way</div>
   <div>Yes words
      <slot name=verb2></slot> bring
      <slot name=pronoun2></slot> down
   <div>Oh no</div>

   <template src=#down></template>

<div class=chorus>
   <template src=#chorus shadowRootModeOnLoad=open></template>
   <span slot=verb1>can't</span>
   <span slot=verb2>can't</span>
   <span slot=pronoun1>me</span>
   <span slot=pronoun2>me</span>
   <span slot=subjectIs1>I am</span>
   <span slot=subjectIs2>I am</span>


An intriguing sounding alternative to using the template tag that disappears, as shown above, is to use a new tag for this purpose. I think something along the lines of what is proposed here has a much better semantic ring to it:

<compose src="#sharedHeader"></compose>
<compose src="#productCard"></compose>

The discussion there leads to an open question whether a processing instruction would be better. I think the compose tag would make much more sense, vs a processing instruction, as it could then support slotted children (behaving similar to the Beatles' example above). Or maybe another tag should be introduced that is the equivalent of the slot, to avoid confusion. or some equivalent. But I strongly suspect that could significantly reduce the payload size of some documents, if we can reuse blocks of HTML, inserting sections of customized content for each instance.

I love this proposal.

Potentially dumb question.

Why not just have the on property take either a selector string, or a plain function that returns a boolean? For all the other use cases like media query, instanceof and the like could be static methods on the MountObserver class if really needed. like so:

const observer = new MountObserver({
   on: MountObserver.whereInstanceOf(MyCustomElement) // Returns a function that returns a boolean,
   import: './my-element.js',
   do: {
      mount: ({localName}, {module}) => {
      // ....

They could be composed like so:

const observer = new MountObserver({
   on: () => [() => false, MountObserver.whereInstanceOf(MyCustomElement)].every(condition => Boolean(condition())) ,

Also, why have a specific import property, when that could be handled by the mount function?


Thanks, @doeixd!

You might be right, that for those conditions that are JS-based, which includes the custom condition checker, the instanceof check, and possibly the arrow-based import, that my argument about doing as much as possible in the low-level c++ code without context switching back and forth between c++ and JS doesn't apply, so we should look at the most powerful way we can chain those checks together. That seems like a good idea, I'll give it some thought.

The import statement, for me what is important is that we have these two highly overlapping concerns addressed:

  1. The import can (optionally) be as succinct as possible, requiring only a string path, similar to the dynamic import('./my-element'), without having to resort to arrow functions. That way bundlers and other tools (CSP, maybe?) would know precisely what to look for. That was the thinking behind flagging that particular action separately, rather than just saying something like "do the import inside this generic action placeholder" like the mount callback / event handler.
  2. You could argue (I think maybe this is what you are arguing actually) that if the developer chooses not to use the string option, but instead provides an arrow function, which this proposal also supports, then code analysis will be just as hard. But I think even though it is inside an arrow function, that even still, flagging it as "attention everyone, an import is afoot" will make it easier to manage things like bundling and CSP checks. It won't involve looking for needles in the haystack. On the other hand, once you open up that function option, I can't think of a way of validating that the logic inside is exclusively doing import work. There's nothing stopping developers from just proceeding to load it up with lots of code that isn't import related, that gets merged into the "module" context object. You might be onto something there, let me think further about that.

I've updated this proposal to address one of the points raised by @doeixd .


Another question. Why include the where object when creating the observer? Can't all the functions defined there just as well be event listeners? It feels like there's two ways to do the same thing?

const observer = new MountObserver({
   on: MountObserver.whereInstanceOf(MyCustomElement)
   import: './my-element.js',

observer.addEventListener('mount', ({localName, module}) => {
      // ....


Good question, @doeixd,

Without a doubt, this proposal would need to be looked at closely by an expert who fully understands the inner workings of the browser, in order to help find the right balance between what would work performance wise, vs, perhaps, more flexibility.

Without that inside knowledge, I am making my best guess as to what would be effective to produce the most efficient result, perhaps erring on the side of making sure we don't sacrifice performance. If the expert comes back and says that "we can do this in a way that would empower the developer more, without sacrificing performance", then I'm all for taking advantage of that.

My mental model I'm applying is comparing the situation to that of middle tier code, that needs to query data from a remote database. A good rule of thumb that seems to have prevailed in that arena, is to do as much of the filtering as possible declaratively, with a single call, so that less information needs to cross through the wire back and forth. I think some of that may apply here, because I think most of the discovery of these conditions would be taking place within the c++ code, and I have seen people I consider to be experts bring up the issue of latency between c++ and JavaScript interactions (for example, in the context of JSON parsing ). Also, wonderful as events are, I think the power they provide does come at a bit of a performance sacrifice, compared to inline code and even chained functions, hence my thinking that we only want a single event that captures the most important question -- are all conditions satisfied or not?

Let me know if my response makes sense, or if I'm misunderstanding your question.

It gets murky in my mind if doing the check for whereInstanceOf could happen in the low level code, or the JavaScript layer. My best guess is low level, but it's no better than a coin toss, really. I'm going to keep that question open in my mind, still kind of mulling that one over.

At the risk of spinning another alternative proposal from this alternative proposal, the MountObserver looks quite close to something like a SelectorObserver - which could fire a callback whenever a given selector changes the amount of matched elements.

Something like this was also discussed in whatwg/html#7039 where folks wanted to know when an element transitions from e.g. :dir(ltr) to :dir(rtl), and a few ideas were discussed around matchSelector(the_selector).addEventListener('change', () => { .. }). It seems like something more generic like this could benefit all of these use cases.