WICG / import-maps

How to control the behavior of JavaScript imports

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How do we install import maps in worker/worklet contexts?

domenic opened this issue · comments

It's unclear how to apply import maps to a worker. There are essentially three categories of approach I can think of:

  • The worker-creator specifies the import map, e.g. with new Worker(url, { type: "module", importMap: ... })
  • The worker itself specifies the import map, e.g. with self.setImportMap(...) or import "map.json" assert { type: "importmap" }.
  • The HTTP headers on the worker script specify the import map, e.g. Import-Map: file.json or maybe even Import-Map: { ... a bunch of JSON inlined into the header ... }.

The worker-creator specified import map is a bit strange:

  • It's unlike the Window-context mechanism in that the creator of the realm controls the realm's module resolution, instead of the realm itself
  • It's like the Window-context mechanism in that the script that runs in the realm does not control the realm's module resolution; the control is external to the script itself.

Basically, there is no clear translation of <script type="importmap"> into a worker setting.

Also, as pointed out below, anything where the creator controls the import map works poorly for service worker updates.

The worker itself specifying seems basically unworkable, for reasons discussed below.

And the header-based mechanism is hard to develop against and deploy.

Original post, for posterity, including references to the old "package name map" name

We have a sketch of an idea for how to supply a package name map to a worker:

new Worker(someURL, { type: "module", packageMap: ... });

This is interesting to contrast with the mechanism for window contexts proposed currently (and discussed in #1):

  • It's unlike the Window-context mechanism in that the creator of the realm controls the realm's module resolution, instead of the realm itself
  • It's like the Window-context mechanism in that the script that runs in the realm does not control the realm's module resolution; the control is external to the script itself.

Basically, there is no clear translation of <script type="packagemap"> into a worker setting.

If we went with this, presumably we'd do the same for SharedWorker. Service workers would probably use an option to navigator.serviceWorker.register(), and have an impact similar to the other options?

For worklets, I guess you'd do something like CSS.paintWorklet.setModuleMap({ ... }). Only callable once, of course.

In all cases, it would be nice to make it easy to inherit a package name map. With the current tentative proposal you could do

new Worker(url, {
  type: "module",
  packageMap: JSON.parse(document.querySelector('script[type="packagemap"]').textContent)

but this is fairly verbose and a bit wasteful (since the browser has already done all the parsing and processing of the map, and you're making it do that over again). At the same time, inheriting by default seems conceptually weird, since workers are a separate realm.

Could the packagemap script have a property on it, packageMap or something so you could use: document.querySelector('#mymap').packageMap to get it? Not sure if there is precedent for properties on elements only when it's a certain type like this.

@matthewp I'd certainly like to see a .module property for <script type=module> that's a Promise resolving to the module object. If this ends up being a general feature, maybe we just need a .content or .value property. edit: those are bad names, because they don't imply them being the post-parse/instantiate object

Yeah, that seems pretty reasonable. I think I like the idea of a general property, with some name or another.

Could we by default just have workers inherit the package map from the parent window?

That seems to cover the 99% scenario.

Isolation doesn't seem to align with the worker boundary, as much as it does concepts of Realms.

I understand the issues for worklets and service workers but I'm' not sure they should be dominating use cases here.

Hmm, I don't understand. Workers don't share the parent realm so if you're saying isolation is aligned with realms then it is also aligned with the worker boundary.

I was referring to the proposal to create isolated realms, but it's a somewhat misleading tangent.

The question really is what is the use case for having a different package map for the worker, that couldn't be shared with the page?

Note if we first shipped with the default of having the worker share the package map, then a future proposal could always provide package map isolation. The isolation picture and use cases will be clearer then than they are now to spec something good as necessary, and realms are possibly part of that picture too.

In the end I am very uncomfortable with sharing module-related features cross-realm. In general cross-realm sharing of state of this sort is largely unprecedented, and I'd be especially unhappy about doing it for modules, which right now are purely tied to realms.

I am pretty certain that v0 will not have such a strange new feature as cross-realm sharing, even if we eventually want to introduce an easy way to do so.

@domenic then we must guarantee that when it comes to implementations of the Realms proposal, that they do not share the package map with the main page by default.

Also, note that what I'm suggesting here is a default behaviour - there is nothing to say this cannot be overridden.

As someone who has worked on build tools in JS for a while, assuming all workers are instantiated with a packagemap argument will be a tooling nightmare - the third-party worker story is really being neglected from all directions currently which is incredibly worrying already.

I see this is already catered to in the Realms spec (although interesting the Realms spec then effectively hinges on a full blown module API for modules support - tc39/proposal-shadowrealm#103).

Passing the package map can work - we'd likely have build workflows that inject it into the new Worker instantiations, while npm packages leave it out. It's just annoying to have non-portable ties on this boundary effectively requiring a build step for third-party libraries with worker instantiations.

Yes, in general the realms proposal has a large variety of blocking issues on how it interacts with how browsers work with realms.

I understand that breaking the current model for how realms work can be convenient, especially for tools or similar. I don't think that means we should do so, especially by default.

Then make it a boolean option - packageMap: 'parent' and at least provide a portable-non build workflow for the web that can deal with workers. It's the complete lack of concern for portable worker workflows that gets me here. Us build tool authors then have to fix the problems you create here.

That's an idea. I'd prefer we have a more holistic story for how workers relate to other realms, instead of creating a one-off feature in package name maps. For example it's not clear why a package name map would be easily inherited but not a module map, or URL, or content security policy, or...

Note that any kind of inheritance would also be "racy" for shared and service workers and therefore not an acceptable solution for them.

This feature doesn't seem needed for worklets as they can't fetch anything.

My understanding is that worklets can use static import statements. (And per spec dynamic ones, but IIUC the sole worklet implementer so far removed support for that JS language feature, but hasn't updated the spec.)

I see, I doubt the fetching model for that is well-tested. All those module fetches would come with Origin: null per how things are written today which I doubt is how it's implemented...

If worklets should be able to access built-in modules, we may want to work through how import maps could work, so that these modules can be polyfilled/virtualized.

For example it's not clear why a package name map would be easily inherited but not a module map, or URL, or content security policy

As per CSP3 dedicated workers and worklets now inherit their page's CSP so this indicates some precedence.

Dedicated workers now always inherit their creator’s policy.

As a web developers, it's trying experiencing inconsistent old outdated capabilities in workers. Article after article highlights the importance of this feature set for keeping a responsive web app & doing computation, but support for Workers has been awful & this ticket is another intimidating document implying that working with workers is going to remain really hard for the forseeable future, & not receiving the benefit of the es2015 modules progress that the happier paths have gotten.

We still don't have module 1.0 support in workers on Chrome. Now, I'm finding that when we do get support, it's going to be for modules that won't be able to use import-maps? It's frustrating that,

  • modules shipped a 1.0 that wasn't modular (cannot reuse scripts across sites because of hardcoded specifiers),
  • that we still don't have platform support for them (in workers),
  • that import-maps was required to make them modular,
  • and now 18 months into import-maps discussion, there's no indicator how import-maps may someday be able to help workers get useful modules.

Modules feels like it was shipped prematurely, and I'd like to avoid going 1.0 with import-maps in a similar fashion, before there's a plan for how it can be used in practice across the platform.

Thanks for the call to action @rektide.

FWIW es-module-shims supports import maps in web workers in Chrome today using importMap as an input, which seems very sensible to me. See https://github.com/guybedford/es-module-shims/#module-workers for more info.

In terms of spec work, I think it's just the constraints of prioritization with a serial process with limited people working on this. And I'm sure a spec PR for a worker approach wouldn't be ignored.

I have to say, it definitely discourages me from working on module stuff, if making incremental progress gets that kind of negative reception. If the demand is that every piece of the puzzle be perfect and full before any specs are accepted or any browsers ship modules, then I don't want to work on modules.

Fortunately I think we have a lot of web developers who gain value from what we have today, and appreciate it, instead of saying that it's "premature" to ship anything but a big-bang modules + dynamic import() + import.meta + modulepreload + workers + import maps + import maps in workers + more all at once. So I plan to ignore such sentiments.

With service workers, the import map should be updatable between versions of the service worker. There isn't a JS call directly linked to service worker updates, so something like a header, or something inline would work better.

Also consider an API:

// First line inside worker or service worker type=module
self.importmap = await fetch('importmap-a18de65f.json').json();


How about a new property in import.meta?
That way the import map could be taken from the current script rather than the document, making it more portable.
If parsing becomes an issue, the property could be an interface or id rather than an object with json data. So that the import map doesn't have to be parsed and processed again.

This would give something like:

new Worker(url, {
  type: "module",
  packageMap: import.meta.importMap

Not sure about what the default behaviour should be. But this doesn't seem too verbose, so having no import map as default seems fine.

Has there been any further thought to this feature? With Firefox making implementation progress on workers, it may be worth starting to consider that path forward. es-module-shims can implement this feature as well and it would be great to start building on top of these kinds of universal workers workflows.

How about importing the import map? Like
import "map.json" assert { type: "importmap" }

The import map would be the first static import and then its rules would apply to the subsequent imports. It could then be applied to the entire worker context or maybe scoped to the current module.

I've updated the original post with an updated description of the problem and solution space. The main part of this comment is to reply to a few recent suggestions for ways that the worker itself could specify the import map.

However, before we get into that, let me say that it's pretty hard to find resources at Chrome, and probably at other browsers, to work on import maps. I'm trying to get a sense of how many people care about these extensions, and how much they care about different features relative to others. So, if you want import maps in workers, please add your thumbs-up to the original post here to give us a better signal.

Anyway, onto the technical questions.

Basically, worker-itself specified import maps are generally unworkable, because we need to assign the import map before module resolution ever happens. But module resolution happens extremely early, during parsing of the worker script. So e.g.

import "map.json" assert { type: "importmap" };
import "package";

would fail because at parse time, we haven't fetched map.json. We would have to do something ridiculously complicated like doing a separate parsing pass looking for assert { type: "importmap" } import statements, fetching those using a totally separate fetching path than the usual module importing path (e.g. bypassing all of the JS spec/JS engine's machinery), and then once it's ready and installed, re-parsing and re-fetching the original worker module using the normal path.

(And this isn't even getting into what you might expect to happen in a situation where those two import statements are reversed.)

Similarly, something like

import "package";

doesn't work, because we need to resolve and then fetch "package" before we can start executing any code in the module worker---including the code that calls self.setImportMap(...).

So I don't really know how we could possibly make any of these inline variants work for workers.

How about a new property in import.meta?

This seems like a reasonable manifestation of the programmatic API extension, but is pretty separable from the harder question of how to install import maps in workers.

So that means the worker itself specifying the import map is off the table then?
And with the worker-creator specifying the import map not being a viable option for service workers I think the only thing that's left is a header?

I'm not sure how I feel about a header because it's not always easy (and sometimes impossible) to configure them server side.
Would a combination of both a header and an argument for new Worker be an option? So service workers could use a header and other workers could use an argument, or maybe both.

So that means the worker itself specifying the import map is off the table then?
And with the worker-creator specifying the import map not being a viable option for service workers I think the only thing that's left is a header?

I'm not sure. I feel like it'd be pretty hard to come up with a worker-itself version that works. But, maybe I just haven't thought about it hard enough. There might be some clever technique that we're missing.

I agree the header is not great, and I'd love to figure out something better. Allowing both a from-outside and header-based solution might be one path, although I don't love the extra complexity of having multiple forms of configuration, and needing to figure out how they interact.

I'm hopeful this issue is still in the brainstorming stage; I just want to make sure we have all the constraints in mind while brainstorming.

I wonder if a viable workaround could involve a pattern where we have an "entry-point" worker script that imports or sets the import map, and then subsequently performs a dynamic import of a module with the actual worker business logic where the import maps can be applied. A naive version of this would involve an extra network roundtrip, but that can be worked around with some form of preloading similar to how folks are approaching the waterfall problem with unbundled es modules outside of workers today.

I think the first category explained in the issue is the best approach in my opinion (The worker-creator specifies the import map), because several reasons:

  • In HTML, the scripts don't have control about the import maps either, because they are different elements:
    <script type="importmap">...</script>
    <script type="module">...</script>
    <script type="module">...</script>
    <script type="module">...</script>
    In this example, the module resolution of all module scripts depend on the first importmap element.
  • This opens the door to interesting things like testing, A/B test, etc, because we can execute the same script with different import maps.
  • It's the most easy to implement and understand by users.

Other question is whether workers can inherit the import map used by the worker creator script. Something like new Worker(url, { type: "module", importMap: "inherit" }) (or import.meta.importMap). This is an interesting feature that I'd love to have, but if it is going to slow down the initial proposal, it even could be defined in a second scope because it's just a special value of the Worker's importMap option.

Don't want to derail the thread here, but wanted to lend our (Adobe's) support for a need for import maps in workers, and perhaps point out another use-case that might impact any decision making here.

The scenario where we need this is when doing things like lazy loading modules from within WASM PThreads. The locateFile mechanism provided by Emscripten lets us deal with remapping files for imports required in main thread, and we use this today for mapping a request for the wasm module itself to a hashed version of the .wasm and other filenames generated at bundle time.

But in a worker thread we have no mechanism by which to resolve filenames to other locations since the worker threads are instantiated by the PThread implementation provided by Emscripten and we can't pass through the locateFile implementation to these workers from the main thread. Today I actually have no easy way to resolve this problem without resorting to post-build injected strings and other hacks.

Import Maps might provide us a cleaner mechanism for this. I could see this being resolved either by 'inheriting' the import map from the instantiating context, or by Emscripten passing through an import map reference to the worker instantiation via some new interface.

Either way I hope this provides some more insight into use cases, and also bumps the importance of this for the various browser teams.

I would like to add a "+1" to the idea of using the parent importmap when creating a webworker, and to address the counterpoints so far as I understand them:

I am very uncomfortable with sharing module-related features cross-realm. In general cross-realm sharing of state of this sort is largely unprecedented

This does not need to be cross-realm sharing of state, since the importmap is immutable (and if in the future it ever becomes mutable somehow, the worker would have a "snapshot" of the state when it launched. In my mental model, this would be more like a "default argument" in the Worker constructor (defaulting to the current importmap).

Note that any kind of inheritance would also be "racy" for shared and service workers and therefore not an acceptable solution for them.

I don't see any problem with the same "snapshot at the point of instantiation" logic here? It would effectively become a default argument to the navigator.serviceWorker.register call, again taking the snapshot at the time of the call. Note that register already takes options such as scope which presumably are involved in deciding whether the service worker actually needs to be reloaded or not, and I would see the importmap state as being just another thing for it to diff (if no change from previous registration, register does nothing. If any change, register acts as if the script has been updated and reloads it).

I personally don't see much use for having separate import maps inside workers; the cases I can think of:

  • a form of sandboxing: this would be would be a crude form of sandboxing which wouldn't have any real benefit and should be discouraged anyway
  • a way of emulating dynamic import maps (e.g. after loading some plugin content and allowing the plugin to operate with its own import map): I believe this use case would be better served by iframes, and is already possible with the current proposal
  • running a third-party worker as-is: this would be a use-case for scoped import maps and the ability to register multiple import maps (i.e. to use the third-party worker, the developer also needs to include its scoped import map in the main document)

For the other proposals, it seems clear that any form of registration within the script is infeasible due to the eager evaluation of import statements, and the import "map.json" assert { type: "importmap" } proposal (which is effectively a #! line) goes against the suggestion in the main proposal that import maps should be inline if at all possible. Using headers would also not be ideal since (as already mentioned) it is often not trivial to configure/reconfigure headers, and it separates important information about how the script is interpreted from the actual document (this could also probably be used as an obfuscation tactic and might need some extra thought around security to make sure it isn't introducing any new attack vectors)

My use-case for import maps is pre-compilation tooling, so in many ways I'm looking for this to be as compatible as possible with the result of using a tool like webpack on the whole project. Hence the desire that there are no code-level changes needed.

The problem with using an argument for navigator.serviceWorker.register is that it would become very difficult to update the import map of the service worker in a scenario where the navigator.serviceWorker.register call lives in code that is cached by the service worker itself.

@jespertheend that's a fair enough reason why defaulting to the parent isn't always enough; because during an update you would want the current worker & page to continue using the old map, while the newly registered worker would need to use the new map. As far as I can tell though, if an actual argument were added to navigator.serviceWorker.register (e.g. a map filename to go along with the script filename), it should become just as easy to update?

navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js', { importMap: '/latest-importmap.json' });

(the worker can apply the same caching / update logic to both latest-worker.js and latest-importmap.json)

Like this we wouldn't need to worry about the performance of an extra round-trip, since the browser can load both resources simultaneously and it won't be using the new worker script until the page reloads anyway.

I would consider that fine (but still with the default being the current map); anybody who needs the extra configurability can use it, and other people can ignore it:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js'); // uses document importmap
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js', { importMap: '/latest-importmap.json' }); // explicit

new Worker('/worker.js', { type: 'module' }); // uses document importmap

// and maybe for symmetry, though there's no particular use-case for it?
new Worker('/worker.js', { importMap: '/importmap.json' }); // explicit (and implies type = module)

This issue is further complicated by the move to manifest v3 for browser extensions, which in Chromium at least requires all plugins move to using service workers. So while previously you could throw an import map into background.html and then have that run a single script (your plugin entrypoint). With the move to service workers, it appears there is now no solution to this problem (if I'm understanding this thread), and manifest v2 is being removed in Chromium in January 2023 so we really need a solution ASAP.

It is worth noting that the proposed solution of providing it via new Worker would need to be integrated into the manifest file for browser extensions, since it is the plugin execution environment that instantiates the service worker, not the plugin author (though, perhaps one can work around this by having their plugin worker instantiate a new worker? I don't know if this is possible).

Basically, worker-itself specified import maps are generally unworkable, because we need to assign the import map before module resolution ever happens. But module resolution happens extremely early, during parsing of the worker script. So e.g.

import "map.json" assert { type: "importmap" };
import "package";

would fail because at parse time, we haven't fetched map.json. We would have to do something ridiculously complicated like doing a separate parsing pass looking for assert { type: "importmap" } import statements, fetching those using a totally separate fetching path than the usual module importing path (e.g. bypassing all of the JS spec/JS engine's machinery), and then once it's ready and installed, re-parsing and re-fetching the original worker module using the normal path.

I don't know at all how all of this is really working so I might be missing a lot of context here, couldn't the importmap import "work" like with a module that contains a top-level await ?

(And this isn't even getting into what you might expect to happen in a situation where those two import statements are reversed.)

Isn't this a problem that needed to be solved also for the usage via script tags ?

From the README

As another consequence of how import maps affect all imports, attempting to add a new <script type="importmap"> after any module graph fetching has started is an error. The import map will be ignored, and the <script> element will fire an error event.

Could it work also like that for the import statements (the map should come first) ?

goes against the suggestion in the main proposal that import maps should be inline if at all possible.

I feel that it's less an issue for a service worker as you are not blocking your application, "only" delaying the service worker registration, this seems to be less a big deal for me.

I think it's important we work towards unblocking this as import maps are gaining usage. Threaded support for the same resolution rules as users are shipping on the main thread would allow users using import maps to extend those workflows to threads and write faster apps.

It seems that the current concept of specifying the new Worker() import map at the time of import map initialization is currently inhibited by the concern raised in #2 (comment) that service worker updates may not be able to support new import maps.

One approach to mitigating this concern might be to allow the service worker update() call to take an options parameter that can override the previously provided registration options for the service worker. Thus a service worker might upgrade from a script to a module, just as it might upgrade its import map.

Does that sound feasible? @jakearchibald do you have any further thoughts on the scenario?

navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js', {  
type: 'module',

importMap: import.meta.importMap }); 

new Worker('/worker.js', { type: 'module',

 importMap: import.meta.importMap}); 
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js', {  
type: 'module',

importMap: '/latest-importmap.json' }); 

new Worker('/worker.js', { type: 'module',

 importMap: '/importmap.json' }); 
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js', {  
type: 'module',

importMap: {
  "imports": { ... },
  "scopes": { ... }
} }); 

new Worker('/worker.js', { type: 'module',

 importMap: {
  "imports": { ... },
  "scopes": { ... }
} }); 


One approach to mitigating this concern might be to allow the service worker update() call to take an options parameter that can override the previously provided registration options for the service worker. Thus a service worker might upgrade from a script to a module, just as it might upgrade its import map.

The problem is, update() isn't the only way a service worker script updates. It's more of a forced update. Most service worker script updates do not happen via the update() method.

Since service worker updates are not initiated by script, I don't think we're looking for a script solution. The best I can think of is an HTTP header containing the map.

That doesn't mean dedicated/shared workers need to use this method too, as the constructor param seems like a good solution there. Although, it would be nice if workers and HTML documents could use the HTTP header too. Just need to decide what happens if both methods are used.

Although, it would be nice if workers and HTML documents could use the HTTP header too.

FWIW, I wanted to note that this isn't just a nice to have for HTML documents either, since in-document import maps are fundamentally incompatible with modules loaded from modulepreload headers (see discussion here for details, TL;DR modulepreload'ed modules need to resolve import specifiers, which requires locking the import map from further modifications, and often occurs before in-document import maps are even seen by the browser).

Right now we're forced to choose between using modulepreload headers and import maps, which is obviously not ideal for long term adoption. It sounds like specifying import maps through a header could support both the modulepreload and the service worker updates use case, so I'd love to see this effort gain more traction!

@jakearchibald What makes this case different from changing "classic" to "module" or updating the scope of a service worker?
Doesn't that run into the same issues as with import maps?

@jakearchibald thanks for clarifying that makes sense. Do you feel this service worker update concern is necessary to work through first before progress can be made on setting an { importMap } option explicitly for workers? Or do you think it would be ok to separately tackle these in-band and out-of-band import map configuration feature progressions? If you do think we should fully work through the discussion here, is there somewhere we can discuss further on this topic to avoid cluttering this thread?

Specifically I really would like to see progress on new Worker('mod.js', { type: 'module', importMap }) and would even be interested in working on spec text. But this work is currently blocked by this concern.

Thinking about the out-of-band configuration case further, another option might be to define an importMapSrc attribute for the worker instantiation / service worker registration:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js', {
  importMapSrc: '/latest-worker-map.json'

The import map can then be updated along with the JS just fine, and this fully mirrors the <script type=importmap>...</script> and <script type=importmap src="...'> in-band versus out of band mechanisms respectively.

For this reason specifying both importMap and importMapSrc as being possible would still be useful.

The benefit of this over the header might be that the source and import map can be fetched in parallel for the service worker and for service worker updates, rather than as separate requests. Since import maps directly inform further loading, it seems a fairly useful property to have as well.


@jakearchibald What makes this case different from changing "classic" to "module" or updating the scope of a service worker?

Those are initiated via script whereas most service worker updates are not.


Do you feel this service worker update concern is necessary to work through first before progress can be made on setting an { importMap } option explicitly for workers? Or do you think it would be ok to separately tackle these in-band and out-of-band import map configuration feature progressions?

I think that's ok.

Thinking about the out-of-band configuration case further, another option might be to define an importMapSrc attribute for the worker instantiation / service worker registration:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('/latest-worker.js', {
  importMapSrc: '/latest-worker-map.json'

Yeah, that's kinda neat. However, I worry that it complicates the security story. Right now, if someone gets to run script on your origin, they can extend the life of that attack by installing a service worker. However, that script needs to be same-origin, and in the same path as the scope (unless a special header is used). Service worker script requests also have special headers, so servers can pick up on unexpected service worker requests.

importMapSrc introduces a system where an attacker could 'infect' an existing service worker. It would need to be hardened security-wise, and I worry that would become pretty complicated.

The header solution doesn't have these issues, and it seems like it would also plug other feature gaps? #2 (comment)

Yeah, I'm coming around more to the header-based solution. Especially since it looks like we need something similar for speculation rules, based on some recent web developer feedback.

However, I worry that it complicates the security story

That's certainly understandable, thanks for pointing this out. Separately import maps with a "src" attribute will likely have integrity support - it would also be good to think about the same thing in this scenario as well.

Do you feel this service worker update concern is necessary to work through first before progress can be made on setting an { importMap } option explicitly for workers?

I think that's ok.

Thanks @jakearchibald I'm fine with a header solution for service workers for an out-of-band mechanism, I just think we also need an in-band mechanism in addition, and I just hope this service worker use case doesn't preclude progress on an in-band approach.

I agree with @guybedford that it would be good to have some approach which can work in-band; it might be hard to configure the header approach for worker import maps, and these are essential for functioning, whereas detailed prefetch/speculation hints work fine if omitted. If we go with a header-based approach, it would be great if we had some clear ideas about the deployment workflows beforehand (web bundles may help!). I agree with Guy's comment that the ideal approach would be to inherit the import map by default.

I just think we also need an in-band mechanism in addition

Agreed, particularly as blob URLs don't have headers. Also agree that inheriting from the parent should be easy.

and I just hope this service worker use case doesn't preclude progress on an in-band approach.

I don't see why it would.

According to the import-map-processing section:

Because they affect all imports, any import maps must be present and successfully fetched before any module resolution is done. This means that module graph fetching is blocked on import map fetching.

This means that the inline form of import maps is strongly recommended for best performance.

and given the fact that

External import maps are not yet supported.

Multiple import maps are not yet supported. https://crbug.com/927119

I prefer the first approach, and my idea is to add an option "importMap" to WorkerOptions, as defined below

dictionary WorkerOptions {
  WorkerType type = "classic";
  RequestCredentials credentials = "same-origin"; // credentials is only used if type is "module"
  DOMString name = "";
  ImportMapOptions importMap = null; // importMap is only used if type is "module"

dictionary ImportMapOptions {
  USVString src = ""; // a http/https url, a data url, or a blob url
  Blob srcObject = null; // option `importMap.src` takes precedence over `importMap.srcObject` if both specified

See also IDL of the Worker interface


  • Option importMap.src may not be supported until feature "external import maps" gets supported
  • Use of importMap.srcObject is strongly recommended for best performance


You can dynamically generate import maps,

let importMapObject = {
  imports: {
    a: './a.js'

let worker = new Worker('path/to/worker.js', {
  type: 'module',
  importMap: {
    srcObject: new Blob([JSON.stringify(importMapObject)], {type: 'application/importmap+json'}),

load an importmap resource manually,

let importMapObject = await fetch('path/to/importmap.json').then((res) => {
  if (!res.ok) {
    throw new Error('Error loading importmap, received status: ' + res.status);
  let type = res.headers.get('content-type');
  if (!/^application\/(importmap\+)?json/.test(type)) {
    console.warn('Resource interpreted as importmap but transferred with MIME type ' + type);
  return res.blob();

let worker = new Worker('path/to/worker.js', {
  type: 'module',
  importMap: {
    srcObject: importMapObject,

or use embed data url as importmap source until someday <script type="importmap" src="xxx"> is supported

let worker = new Worker('path/to/worker.js', {
  type: 'module',
  importMap: {
    src: "data:application/importmap+json;base64,...",

About multiple import maps

If you do have multiple import maps to be used, then you may load multiple import maps from multiple sources, parse them into plain JSON objects, and merge them as single Blob, just do it by your self.

I don't think it needs to be that complicated. Just:

const worker = new Worker(src, {
  type: 'module',
  importMap: {}

Then, if folks want to fetch the import map from somewhere external, they can use fetch(). If they want to inherit the import map, they can get it from something like import.meta.importMap.

For shared/service workers, where the worker creation may have been triggered by another environment, the import map is specified in a header.

I'm a bit late to the discussion and I already see there are a few folks from the Deno community here suggesting solutions and I wanted to give my 2 cents. The Deno team certainly recognizes that this is a requested feature that could help to solve many common workloads. I also recognize that our restrictions are in some places wildly different than in browsers - we don't need to consider import maps loaded via <script> tag.

I don't think it needs to be that complicated. Just:

const worker = new Worker(src, {
  type: 'module',
  importMap: {}

Then, if folks want to fetch the import map from somewhere external, they can use fetch(). If they want to inherit the import map, they can get it from something like import.meta.importMap.

For shared/service workers, where the worker creation may have been triggered by another environment, the import map is specified in a header.

I agree with Jake here - but would really love to see a complementary option to specify a URL. In Deno's case a call to fetch() API requires a permission granted on the CLI via --allow-net flag; if we had a statically analyzable solution (with importMapUrl) then the permission check wouldn't be necessary; user aknowledgles that it's a part of their program and these sources are to be trusted.

That said, I think it's more important to ship a first iteration of the support to get further discussion going and the Deno team is willing to dedicate resources to ship the first implementation on the agreed proposal in a one-month timeframe.

(Does this discussion allow me to join? Sorry if I overlooked some rules.)
What is the current status of this issue?
I can't write it well, but I want this.

I want it to be as easy as possible.

I don't think it needs to be that complicated. Just:

const worker = new Worker(src, {
  type: 'module',
  importMap: {}

I agree with Jake here - but would really love to see a complementary option to specify a URL. In Deno's case a call to fetch() API requires a permission granted on the CLI via --allow-net flag; if we had a statically analyzable solution (with importMapUrl) then the permission check wouldn't be necessary; user aknowledgles that it's a part of their program and these sources are to be trusted.

It seems to me that you can just set a rule like "We can use either one, but importMap takes precedence."
(Or is it possible to change the interpretation depending on the data type of importmap?)

This is a huge missing feature. I just went through a bunch of trouble to get all my import map stuff working properly to work around some oddities in how some libraries reference dependencies in their import statements, and then when moving to web workers it just doesn't work at all and I need a whole different solution and in fact probably just can't use modules at all.

I'm working on a module which uses a pluggable terrain loader in a worker as well as buildless ESM. I worked around the existing behavior using local links, but quickly realized, when importing it into app space, that I wouldn't be able to import any dependencies because they use named modules. This was just unacceptable, so I took the performance hit to proxy an iframe as a worker so I could inject an importmap into it. So far this is working well (though much more taxing than a worker would be).

This is what I did to make that work: https://github.com/environment-safe/esm-worker/blob/master/src/index.mjs#L10-L59 (abandon all hope ye who enter). Feel free to crib the code or use the module.

Here's hoping it doesn't take another 5 years to land this as a native feature. 🤞

Please just apply the import map to anything which can import a module (it's called an "import map" for a reason guys!!).

It's beyond ridiculous in my opinion that we are in 2024 and we're still discussing this. My worklets and workers doesn't function because of this stupidity. A terrible developer experience!

Anything but what I suggested IS a terrible developer experience and there are no GOOD arguments against it really.

6 years discussing this... It's a shame.

I don't think the discussions is what's delaying it here. I think it is because no browser vendor has the capacity to work on it.