WICG / file-system-access

Expose the file system on the user’s device, so Web apps can interoperate with the user’s native applications.

Home Page:https://wicg.github.io/file-system-access/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Why is `id` limited to 32 characters?

guillaumebrunerie opened this issue · comments

I'm wondering why the id option to showDirectoryPicker is limited to 32 characters. This feels extremely short, I don’t see what would be the harm in allowing it to be significantly longer, for instance 1024 characters or so.

My use case is that I’m writing an animation tool that can export a given animation of a given project as a sequence of images. So you choose the project, you choose the animation, and click on export, it asks you for a directory via showDirectoryPicker and then saves the hundreds of frames in that directory. Given that one typically wants a different directory for each animation, I would like to give to showDirectoryPicker an id of the form export-PROJECTNAME-ANIMATIONNAME, but I very quickly hit the limit of 32 characters.