WDI-SEA / project-4-issues

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Can you assign a variable as a key

jyang1003 opened this issue · comments

What stack are you using?

(ex: MERN(mongoose + react), DR(django + react), PEN, etc.)


What's the problem you're trying to solve?

I'm trying to get my buttons to work by assigning a variable to a string to use as a key for an object

Post any code you think might be relevant (one fenced block per file)

    const thisWeek = () => {
        props.profile.nutrition.forEach(object => {
            //check which variable to use
            if(whichDisplay === 'calories'){
                whichNutrient = 'calories'
            } else if (whichDisplay === 'carbs'){
                whichNutrient = 'carbs'
            } else if (whichDisplay === 'protein') {
                whichNutrient = 'protein'
            } else if (whichDisplay === 'fats'){
                whichNutrient = 'fats'
            console.log('this is object', object)
            //checks if its same week
            if (moment(object.date).isSame(moment(props.date), 'week')) {
                //check day of week and push results into respective arrays
                // console.log('this is same week')
                console.log('this is which nutrient after button click', whichNutrient)
                if (moment(object.date).format('dddd') == 'Sunday') {
                    totalForSunday = [totalForSunday.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)]
                    // console.log('sun', totalForSunday)
                } else if (moment(object.date).format('dddd') == 'Monday') {
                    totalForMonday = [totalForMonday.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)]
                    // console.log('Mon', totalForMonday)
                } else if (moment(object.date).format('dddd') == 'Tuesday') {
                    totalForTuesday = [totalForTuesday.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)]
                    // console.log('Tue', totalForTuesday)
                } else if (moment(object.date).format('dddd') == 'Wednesday') {
                    totalForWednesday = [totalForWednesday.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)]
                    // console.log('Wed', totalForWednesday)
                } else if (moment(object.date).format('dddd') == 'Thursday') {
                    totalForThursday = [totalForThursday.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)]
                    // console.log('Thur', totalForThursday)
                } else if (moment(object.date).format('dddd') == 'Friday') {
                    totalForFriday = [totalForFriday.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)]
                    // console.log('Fri', totalForFriday)
                } else if (moment(object.date).format('dddd') == 'Saturday') {
                    totalForSaturday = [totalForSaturday.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)]
                    // console.log('Sat', totalForSaturday)

If you see an error message, post it here. If you don't, what unexpected behavior are you seeing?

no error message

What is your best guess as to the source of the problem?

the key isn't the right key to access the value

What things have you already tried to solve the problem?

yeah remember this thing?


i.e. just put the variable in square brackets and it's value will be the key

Hi, sorry forgot to close. Figured out bracket notation, thanks!