W01fw00d / barbarians

A little web-browser turn-based strategy game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Record audio clips narrating events in the game

W01fw00d opened this issue · comments

"Two Roman soldiers died that day"
"No, sorry, I was wrong, 3 Roman soldiers died that day. Tragic"

Consider using an auto-generated voice.

We could use the random names for soldiers and towns for more epicness

Narrate as the battle is read from a dairy.

We'll begin with a diary entry in each map, with date and weather.

Get useful data or collect it while generating the dairy.

One roman dies: "We only lost one soldier that day."

Two roman die: "Oh, sorry, I think I was wrong before. Two soldiers lost their lives in that battle."

Also, we can refer to turns taken to beat the level, soldiers who killed most barbarians, thriving towns... etc

Add epic narration when single mob kills/conquer multiple units.

"The great hero of that battle, Venus, single-handedly killed 3 foes. Some say that soldier is Ares incarnated."

Add narration when selecting a soldier or town, giving some random info about that unit, like:

Roman -> "I looked into Venus eyes, I didn't see any fear or doubt"

Town -> "I went to check on Malta. That town has the best wine in the province"

Barbarian -> "Damn those barbarians... only know how to kill and steal"

Barbarian town -> "That town was a tumor with a bad prognosis"

Consider removing barbarian names, as from users perspective of a roman general, they don't know the individual names of the barbarians.

Depending on killer and/or victims strength, some narrations will be played