VonHeikemen / searchbox.nvim

Start your search from a more comfortable place, say the upper right corner?

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Feature: start replacing from current cursor pos

JoseConseco opened this issue · comments

Any chances, for searchbox.nvim to start replacing words from current cursor position, rather than from start of file?
It would make it feel more like in 'standard' editors.

There was an issue that prevented me from doing this. Looks like I fixed it, don't remember when, but it's gone now.

Anyway, as of 97979ab confirm menu will start from the cursor position in normal mode. Visual mode will still start from the beginning of the range.

Thanks it works great now. nvim feels bit like vs code now :) . Btw there is small issue if you replace string with string_new then searchbox is just keep replacing current line forever:


Should be fixed now (c3f2adf).

nvim feels bit like vs code now

Some people might find this offensive.

Thanks. It works great now. closing this