VonHeikemen / searchbox.nvim

Start your search from a more comfortable place, say the upper right corner?

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Default_value + confirm='menu' error

JoseConseco opened this issue · comments

After using this comand:
:lua require('searchbox').replace({default_value = vim.fn.expand('<cword>'), confirm = 'menu'})<CR>

On text (cursor is over 'numpy' :

if True:
    numpy as np
numpy as np
numpy as np 

Popup menu is displayed, confirm menu is displayed ok too, but then accepting first change with gives error:

It seems error is happening only when first numpy is indented once, and then next occurance of numpy is not indented.

Btw. small feature request - can replace happen from place where cursor is located, and not from to of file? Great plugin btw.

Should be fixed now in a7f20cd.

Thanks @VonHeikemen the issue is fixed . Any chances, for searchbox.nvim to start replacing words from current cursor position, rather than from start of file?

the issue is fixed


Any chances, for searchbox.nvim to start replacing words from current cursor position, rather than from start of file?

It is possible, just annoying to do. Open a new issue, so I can remember to look at it in another moment.