VonHeikemen / searchbox.nvim

Start your search from a more comfortable place, say the upper right corner?

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Wrong postion confirm menu pop in replace mode

hungnguyen1503 opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'd like to replace a word with replace confirm mode, but the popup menu is in the wrong position, I can't see a word to replace.
Could you please support me to fix it?

Here is my configuration for the plugin:
local status_ok, searchbox = pcall(require, "searchbox")
if not status_ok then

defaults = {
reverse = false,
exact = false,
prompt = ' ',
modifier = 'disabled',
confirm = 'on',
clear_matches = true,
show_matches = false,
popup = {
relative = 'cursor',
position = {
row = 2,
col = 0,

size = 30,
border = {
  style = 'rounded',
  text = {
    top = ' Search ',
    top_align = 'center',
win_options = {
  winhighlight = 'Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:Normal',

hooks = {
before_mount = function(input)
-- code
after_mount = function(input)
-- code
on_done = function(value, search_type)
-- code

This should be fixed now in 0342b0b. Please update searchbox.nvim and let me know if the fix works for you.

The plugin has worked very well !!
Thank you for your support.