VonHeikemen / fine-cmdline.nvim

Enter ex-commands in a nice floating input.

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finecmdline not loading when syntax errors in config (how do yall solve not having commandline accessible when you have an error in your config?)

jamesonBradfield opened this issue · comments

I am a complete noob to neovim scripting, and am not sure if this is because I am using this wrong, but it is maddening when I go to save a file and I get Not an editor command: FineCmdline ! i am pretty sure this is just a limitation of the idea of a nicer command line plugin, do I have any other option other than opening a new terminal and using nano, How do you solve this problem?

I recommend mapping the enter key to execute the command FineCmdline, and leave : as is. That way you can always use the default Neovim command line.

Another thing you can try is calling the lua function directly.

vim.keymap.set('n', '<Enter>', '<cmd>lua require("fine-cmdline").open()<cr>')

If the lua function doesn't work either, then the issue is in the way you are loading the plugin.

Also worth mention, you can open Neovim without a config using the command nvim --clean in your terminal.