VitalElement / AvalonStudio

Cross platform IDE and Shell

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Not able to clone recursively.

AlaricGilbert opened this issue · comments

I ran the command below

git clone --recursive

And then in the last lines of the outputs, I gained:

error: Server does not allow request for unadvertised object 7a08e67c6dbf0399f1812546f649333614a03ee5
Fetched in submodule path 'AvaloniaEdit', but it did not contain 7a08e67c6dbf0399f1812546f649333614a03ee5. Direct fetching of that commit failed.

Is it a normal situation or how should I fix it?

me the same

The commit tree that's used for AvaloniaEdit leads to a 404 which is probably the issue

After cloning recursively, I noticed that the following folders are empty

  • AvaloniaEdit
  • debugger-libs
  • templating

same issue :(

looking into it!

@AlaricGilbert @chegeras @ikaman please checkout the develop branch, and do:
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive

this should fix your issue, sorry we broke master

will be resolved shortly.

I was trying to run commands you send, but without success. After
git submodule update --init --recursive
I have:
error: Server does not allow request for unadvertised object 7a08e67c6dbf0399f1812546f649333614a03ee5 Fetched in submodule path '../../AvaloniaEdit', but it did not contain 7a08e67c6dbf0399f1812546f649333614a03ee5. Direct fetching of that commit failed.
After trying to do dotnet restore and dotnet build I have 179 errors which is because some of cloned folders are empty.

@jakubmaguza did you checkout develop branch...

git checkout develop
git pull

then the commands from my previous comment.

Hi @danwalmsley,
It's not working, even on develop branch.

Thibaud-iMAC:_SANDBOX thibaud$ git clone
Clonage dans 'AvalonStudio'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 486, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (486/486), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (349/349), done.
remote: Total 56244 (delta 260), reused 356 (delta 133), pack-reused 55758
Réception d'objets: 100% (56244/56244), 31.40 MiB | 4.38 MiB/s, fait.
Résolution des deltas: 100% (41572/41572), fait.
Thibaud-iMAC:_SANDBOX thibaud$ cd AvalonStudio/
Thibaud-iMAC:AvalonStudio thibaud$ git checkout develop
Déjà sur 'develop'
Votre branche est à jour avec 'origin/develop'.
Thibaud-iMAC:AvalonStudio thibaud$ git pull
Déjà à jour.
Thibaud-iMAC:AvalonStudio thibaud$ git submodule sync
Thibaud-iMAC:AvalonStudio thibaud$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Sous-module 'AvalonStudio.Shell' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio.Shell'
Sous-module 'AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator'
Sous-module 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide'
Sous-module 'AvaloniaEdit' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvaloniaEdit'
Sous-module 'debugger-libs' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'debugger-libs'
Sous-module 'templating' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'templating'
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio.Shell'...
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator'...
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide'...
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvaloniaEdit'...
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/debugger-libs'...
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/templating'...
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio.Shell': checked out 'e6b8d79a340607f556f0d3933ab0518bdc94241f'
Sous-module 'Numerge' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio.Shell/Numerge'
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio.Shell/Numerge'...
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio.Shell/Numerge': checked out 'fb92f917cd2d3aaec0d2294635d922184ff1e0fc'
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator': checked out '9d4855394b10e0ba0800305fb66c8f917ceefada'
Sous-module 'VtNetCore.Avalonia' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator/VtNetCore.Avalonia'
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator/VtNetCore.Avalonia'...
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator/VtNetCore.Avalonia': checked out '4eba10ce04e41c9418ccbef28daa97c9a320d727'
Sous-module 'VtNetCore' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator/VtNetCore.Avalonia/VtNetCore'
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator/VtNetCore.Avalonia/VtNetCore'...
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio.TerminalEmulator/VtNetCore.Avalonia/VtNetCore': checked out '89cd050b687917fdade3a77c5d580410285d654c'
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide': checked out '3fb2a131a08ae21d81638fd855f3b88f6ba21dbe'
Sous-module 'src/external/AvaloniaEdit' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/AvaloniaEdit'
Sous-module 'src/external/lsp/csharp-language-server-protocol' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/lsp/csharp-language-server-protocol'
Sous-module 'src/external/pngcs/pngcs' ( enregistré pour le chemin 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/pngcs/pngcs'
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/AvaloniaEdit'...
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/lsp/csharp-language-server-protocol'...
Clonage dans '/Users/thibaud/_4_WORKSPACE/_SANDBOX/AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/pngcs/pngcs'...
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/AvaloniaEdit': checked out '9eb9bb1bd5a720bccba011bd09c6731875187abe'
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/lsp/csharp-language-server-protocol': checked out '772397d076e4fd7c3253d74b95f8711529f896a0'
Submodule path 'AvalonStudio/Avalonia.Ide/src/external/pngcs/pngcs': checked out '7f447a40bb4bbfd08a96e56bc9b1a5822d06b41d'
**error: Le serveur n'autorise pas de requête pour l'objet 7a08e67c6dbf0399f1812546f649333614a03ee5 non annoncé
Fetched in submodule path 'AvaloniaEdit', but it did not contain 7a08e67c6dbf0399f1812546f649333614a03ee5. Direct fetching of that commit failed.**

Didn't you forgot to push your commit on develop branch ? The branch has not be change since June 26.

Ok, I compile it.

We have to use the release/v0.6.2 branch

git checkout release/v0.6.2
git pull
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive

And we build the app...

cd AvalonStudio/AvalonStudio
dotnet restore
dotnet build

We can't stop here, the runtime configuration is not generate, so

dotnet publish --framework netcoreapp2.2

And we find the application build in ./obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/AvalonStudio.dll

To run it :
dotnet ./obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/AvalonStudio.dll

You can generate a Release build, with an executable with this command :
dotnet publish -c Release --framework netcoreapp2.2 --runtime <YOUR_RID_ID>

This list of Runtime IDentifier (RID) for .NET Core is here :

The result of this is in : ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2/<YOUR_RID_ID>/publish
You should find a AvalonStudio to launch.

Easy one 🤣

fix going to be merged into develop branch tomorrow, and release coming shortly.

Sorry for long delay.

I hate to say this, but 3 years later, and it's still broken :(