Vinodh-G / ParallaxTableViewHeader

Parallax scrolling effect on UITableView header view when a tableView is scrolled

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to add to it an array of images which can scroll horizontally ?

leewi9 opened this issue · comments

Use API parallaxHeaderViewWithSubView: pass a horizontal UIScrollView or a UICollectionView as subview parameter.

Load the UIcollectionView or UIScrollView with array of Images which can be scrolled.

Thanks. I tried, but I found another problem, when I scroll the images, it seems the first image is always at the background, beneath the current presenting image. pls see this gif for detail.


my code is like this, if you need full code, i can give you the whole project.

besides, i'm not sure wether this is caused by your ParallaxTableViewHeader or other framework, i use SDCycleScrollView also in the project.
